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Hvala Dominik... to je moj Zelja :)
Cudne su mi neke nepodudarnosti u pricama  :embarrased: , moracu to provjeriti   :rolleyes: ... Neko ce bit bijen  :tuctuc:
Bas nezgodna situacija pravo, ali neka si napisao svoj post jer mislim da je jakooo dobro da svi budu spremni na sve i da imaju sto vise informacija.

hotel nikada ne plaća kandidat, pogotovo ako oni vrše rezervacije

Zbog onih koje bi moglo zanimati, kandidatu koji ide na Canival kompanija plaća samo jedno noćenje (tako pise i u papiru koji je u prilogu LOE), sve preko toga kompanija plati, ali na isplati plate -  oduzme.
Provjereno  +U+

daaa   :run:  ponudili su mi to, ali vidjecemo kako ce biti na razgovoru!
Nemam ideje ni sta me mogu pitati...

Starboard / Re: Starboard
« on: 19/August/2010 »

od Helene iz Invermora informacija da krajem Septembra ima intervju u Budimpesti...

Eh mene zanima ima li iko ikakav kontakt, osim ovog maila (, pomocu kojeg se moze doci do nekoga ko radi recruit za Starboard u USA. Sa ove e-mail adrese pomenute nema odgovora!
Gledala sam malo i stranicu njihovu ali nisam bas nasla nesto konkretno!

Nasla sam nesto, mozda ce jos nekoga zanimati... +U+

The Asst. F&B Manager is responsible for the day to day supervision of the restaurant, bar and galley plus all the related activities as directed by the F&B Manager. His/hers responsibilities include training and maintaining a high standard of food quality and service. The applicant must possess excellent leadership skills and fluent English language skill.

Assistant Food & Beverage Manager

Basic Functions: To assist the Food & Beverage Manager in the overall operations of the food production, auxiliary guest services, planning, organizing and executing assigned tasks. Also, to ensure all company procedures and specifications are adhered to.

Responsibility and authority: He/she will be responsible for:

Ensure that all team members are ready to work, well groomed, in full uniform, with lifting belt and other safety equipment, if required, mentally alert and knowledgeable regarding policies, procedures, menu items and duties.
Ensure that staff members have completed all assigned pre-service responsibilities before opening the service lines.
Ensure that all waiters are checked properly before they leave the galley for the count of the plates on their tray against the submitted guest count.
Ensure that all procedures are followed by the dining room personnel, whilst in the galley and report any non-compliance to their supervisor.
Responsible for the smooth running of the main galley. This includes the supervision of all food service and cleanliness of the entire area at all times.
Responsible for enforcing sanitation/USPH standards and procedures in the main galley areas.
Responsible for performance appraisals of all utility crew working in assigned area as per company’s policy and guidelines.
Ensure that the menus are posted prior to each service.
Ensure that all weekly paperwork assigned to this position is completed properly, neatly and submitted in a timely manner to the Food & Beverage Manager.
Responsible for the line counts accuracy and timeliness.
Responsible for all sanitation-related training for all crew members.
Responsible for all equipment-related training for all crew members.
Responsible for the daily writing, submission and follow up of repair requests for all production and auxiliary areas.
Responsible for the completion of the equipment knowledge log for all crew members.
Responsible for the implementation of cleaning schedules for all areas and follow up of the same.
Ensure that all accidents are immediately reported to the Food & Beverage Manager and Chief of Security and that an incident report is completed.
Ensure that employee discipline is enforced and that all crewmembers are treated fairly.
Responsible for conducting the sanitation inspection of the main galley areas along with the Chef and Sous Chefs and that it is submitted to the Food & Beverage Manager in a timely manner.
Responsible for the maintenance of all operating inventories and the completion of a weekly inventory for the main galley areas.
Responsible for directing, scheduling and training the Galley Stewards and Galley Supervisors.
Perform other duties as may be necessary and directed by the management.
The position of Assistant F&B Manager (Food) reports directly to the Food & Beverage Manager.
Working relations with:
Food & Beverage Manager
Bar Manager
Chef de Cuisine
Sous Chefs
Maitre D’
Galley Supervisors
Galley Stewards
Environmental Team
Asst. F&B Manager
Deck & Engine Officers, Petty Officer and crew
Production personnel

Heheh i meni se svidja kako zvuci  :rolleyes:
Zato me i zanima sta i kako  :)


Na sugestiju agencije, idem na intervju za poziciju Assistant Food & Beverage Manager. Imam mjesec dana da se spremim za intervju.
Sta mislite o poziciji, o poslu Assistant Food & Beverage Manager-a uopste itd.
Zanima me sve , od intervjua do rada...  :D


Suzi najavila da ce biti  intervju izmedju 20. i 24.9.
Ceka se potvrda tacnog datuma!  :)

U vezi pitanja o poslovima :

A dalje, sad kad si uradio test engl. jez. i vidis da nije strasno - iscitaj forum jos jednom - dio o poslovima u bar dpt.! Jezik ces svejedno polagati za koju god poziciju se prijavis, ostavi sebi prostora dok ne uradis test i ne vidis rezultat da izaberes opciju!

Za bar poslove imas svakako obavezni koledz na brodu.

Kako god, sretno!

Nisam jos ni vidjela brod-a, a kamo li posla na brodu, ali prema svemu sto sam mogla procitati na ovom forumu i onome sto mi je muz rekao, ja bih rekla da je bolje iskoristiti vrijeme i poraditi na engelskom jeziku (ako ti samo malo treba da ga unaprijedis za poziciju konobara - jesi li radio vec test ?!?!) i aplicirati na bolju poziciju. Znam da je utility jako malo malo para a puno puno posla.  Steta je po meni da to radis kad vec imas iskustva u konobarenju!!! S druge strane ako ti je bas stalo da moras ici i nemas opcija razumijem da zeis da ides...
Cinjenica je da je presudno znanje englesko jezika, moj savjet - provjeri svoje znanje prema Marlines testu i onda odlucuj!!!
Mozda budes zano ako nista za poziciju bar steward-a ili bar servera, to je opet malo bolje od utility a ne treba ti ekstra znanje jezika!

@heroes - reci cu mu pa ako uspije postavicemo!

@markoQ - e pa super heheh tebi je bas usitnilo ... ehhh da sam ja na tvom mjestu  :rolleyes:, ali hvala sto ces prenjeti pozdrav, nadam se da cete se upoznati.

Mirno more ti zelim i puno uspjeha u onome sto te ceka!!!!

Pitanja i Odgovori / Re: Sledeci intervju?
« on: 13/August/2010 »
Nisi zakasnio, imas  jos nekih 50tak minuta ako sam dobro shvatila

Otvaras teme a nisi prelistao forum... Sad ce i Sef  +U+


E natal, bas ti hvala  ;D Ako nesto skontam  - cucemo se! On za sada ostaje sigurno tamo, e sad jedino da ga premjeste kada polozi taj ispit, a to ne znam kad ce biti... Mozda doceka i tvoju grupu  :rolleyes:
Ne znam jel iko uspio postaviti ovaj treci test ovdje, ali znam sigurno da dva koja su bila ovdje postavljena bila su i tamo, pa se pripremaj i obori ih s nogu :).

Jos jednom, hvala ti ....


@natal, ti jos malo i ides... Cini mi se ides i ti na Sensation?! Pozdravi mi muzeka moga...  :nokti: 
I budite pametni, hrabri, veseli i pozitivni... to je ono sto vam ne bi smio niko i nista oduzeti...

A i ja jos malo i intervju... Suzi rekla u septembru, a ovo vrijeme nikad proci...


Sefe - tebi hvala sto stojis iza ovog i ovakvog foruma  ="".
Savjet u onoj situaciji nije nimalo zahvalno dati i ja to znam, jer hiljadu ljudi, hiljadu cudi, hiljadu okolnosti..... To da se vrati su mu govorili svi nasi tamo, da je potrajalo, mozda i bi se vratio, mislim on je tamo mjesec i par dana, od toga 3 sedmice bio koledz, poslije toga tih 5 dana za koje je mislio da ce trajati u najmanju ruku do kraja ugovora.  Zbog toga je bila panika... kontas, malo para, gubljenje vremena, a mi razdvojeni...
Hvala Bogu desilo se sto se desilo... Ali kao sto ti rece, ko zna za sto je to sve dobro....

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