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Messages - rostuk

Pages: [1]
I would give that chance 0.1-0.2%

They can chose from hundreds of other candidates, from about 50 other countries in the world ...

Yeah, I thought the same...

So many doubts about Pool Attendant... Be or not to be :)

Thanks for answers guy ! Hopefully somebody else will reply... It's time to buy ticket and I don't know what to do...Reject or accept.

Also I have a question about NCL. I worked there as a stateroom.  Now they ask me to come back, ready to send me ticket. But I don't want to join as steward again. Cause that job was real hell... Does anybody know what is the procedure to come back in other position ? Will it be OK if say to NCL  that I don't want to be steward and ask another position ?

Acording what i know about that positions when i worked for Carnival, there was'nt that type position abord ''Pool atendent'', only ''Deck steward'' with 600$ dollars salary, also with 3 ''Pool supervizors'' aboard...

How was the job for you ? Is it very hard or can survive ?

it's only 800usd.... Better than nothing anyway. Cause for now I'm jobless.  But I have doubts if I can survive there 8 months....on such position.

I do have a big experience in housekeeping, including housekeeping supervisor on the land-based job and stateroom steward on NCL.

I was selected for assistant stateroom attendant in RCCL, but a few months later I was told that those position doesn't exist any more. And they offered me pool attendant. The main point is if I refuse LOE, then I have to wait a year to apply again. And here in Ukraine we don't have much interviews for cruise line.

I have already passed my medical and payed big enough money for that.  After that I came to know that I made bad choice.

Hello guys !

 I would like to ask you about Pool Attendant job in RCL.
How hard is it ? What is the worst part in that job ? What is th daily schedule for this position ? Is there a chance to go outside ? Is there night shift?
Please describe it in details....

I already have my LOE and don't know refuse it or accept.

P.S. Please, answer in English because I'm not local.

I appreciate your answers !

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