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Messages - Vlado-sisak

Pages: [1]
Predstavljanja / Odg: Pozdrav forumasi!!
« on: 10/November/2009 »
Hvala sefe  :D iako moram priznat da jesam postao malcice neodlucan kad stavim sve na papir...
Eto, odluka je na meni (prije nego sto uopce nazovem gospodju Suzanu), a onda dolaze i drugi faktori, a ti su dal bi uopce dobio posao pursera i kolko bi morao cekat da kompanija (Carnival cruise) pocne trazit pursere, jer trenutno ne trazi.
Ljudi hvala svima na svim informacijama koje sam dosad dobio, dalje je na meni!
U svakom slucaju, trebao bih probat bar da vidim da li imam sanse, pozdrav!

Predstavljanja / Odg: Pozdrav forumasi!!
« on: 09/November/2009 »
Naravno sefe, samo sam htio i drugu stranu pokazat, razlicita iskustva, tek toliko da ljudi budu svjesni svih aspekata, pa da donesu pravu odluku

Pursers / Odg: Purseri (Guest service)
« on: 09/November/2009 »
Evo, da malo procitate negativna iskustva sa nekog stranog foruma u vezi rada na recepciji  :D

I have just come back from 3 weeks training  as a Purser with Carnival Cruise lines and wanted to warn anyone out there before they go.I got the job offer back in April. Gave my job up,and then received a letter from the above mentioned company telling me I needed to get my C1 Visa and a medical (which I had to pay for myself) It was a couple of months and a thousand pounds later before I was finally in Miami,awaiting our ship-'Carnival Fascination' where all new pursers are trained.

 College was relentless. You are supposed to spend 2 weeks in college and 2 weeks on the 'window' (front desk) when you are assessed and sent to a new ship afterwards,but what they didn't tell us was that you can be thrown off the course at any time,due to poor exam results.even though you are told at first you will be assessed at the end of 4 weeks.

 Our 'trainer'  was a complete cow.and worked us like dogs. We never knew what our schedule was going to be until the same day.which meant that we could never make plans in advance or arrange to be in our cabins to await phone calls from our families.We were all unbelievably homesick,but if you were upset it was thought you were 'unstable' and no sympathy was offered.

 We were expected to learn far too much information in the space of 2 weeks it was unbelievable,on top of 3 exams in 2 weeks on the company,history and procedures,we also had to pass a Safety exam,learn 2 folders on the 2 computer sysstems used on board, attend tutorials,boat drill,corporate training and shadowing on the desk.Any spare moment was spent studying.It all started getting on top of us all.Many of us were crying,nervy ,exhausted and distressed at the pressure,at college and in any spare time we had.We were lucky to get a couple of hours off,and we all remember running around Nassau with only an hour and a half to do everything and get back.

 If you are considering working on a ship there is one very important thing you must remember.No-one is your friend,Do not trust anyone and everyone knows everything about you.Keep your head down and hide when you are upset.

After 10 days (only 2 on the desk)  2 of us were dismissed,interestingly out of 9 of us who started together only one other person who hadn't been on a ship before managed to pass the exams.The others had a head start having worked in different departments and this is typically unfair. You don't get a second chance even if you have never worked on board before.You are expected to understand all ship board terms and learn parrot fashion in true American style from reading and don't get a chance at the practical work.

It is important everyone realises this as  my friend and I  didn't and learnt the hard way.We were dismissed immediately on the strength of two weeks of written exams and anyone who is not an American is escorted off the premises by their own Immigration Officer who has you 'under guard' from the moment you leave until the moment you board the plane(which in my friends case was 6 hours) She felt she was treated like a criminal and arrived back in her country with huge debts and very disilusioned with Carnival Cruise lines.

Everyone I spoke to in my 2 weeks had something to say about Carnival.The best was from another purser who said she was exhausted.Carnival not  only expect you to work every day but every second of the day(which is apparently exclusive to Carnival and especially 'MS Fascination') She said my colleague and I were lucky to be leaving and she wished she could go.She said she hated the bitching there,but had such massive debts to pay off she had no choice.

I met others that had no choice.workers spending 15 hours a day cleaning and were not appreciated. Carnival hire  more workers and pay less than any other Cruise Line.I felt exhausted and disappreciated when I left. That's not to say I would work for another Cruise Line.I just feel we should be told before we begin and pay all  that money out that it could all fall through in a few weeks.

Any other stories would be glad to hear...

Predstavljanja / Odg: Pozdrav forumasi!!
« on: 09/November/2009 »
Hehe, ma ok, engleski mi nije bed uopce, rjesavao sam i ja neki online test cisto da vidim kakvi su to tipovi testova i sve mi bilo tocno, hehe (da se ja sad pohvalim). Ako cu probavat preko ikoga na brod, prva opcija mi je gospodja Suzana iz Lovrana, poslala mi je mail sa dosta informacija pa sad to proucavam. Iako, moram vam reci da mi je moral malo pao..Hebiga, jos uvijek razmisljam, cak i ako dobijem posao pursera, koji je dosta tesko dobit za prvi ugovor, placa je 1500 dolara. Dolar je 4,8 kn, sto je jako malo, zaokruzimo na 5 i to je 7500 kn placa mjesecno s time da se radi citav dan svaki dan i da je posao dosta tezak i tretiran si dosta lose(od strane gostiju ponajvise) a i puno se od tebe ocekuje za budimo iskreni, male novce koji su u Hrvatskoj neka prosjecna placa za baustelce (koji, istina, tesko rade, ali imaju i slobodne dane i nisu udaljeni od doma pol godine). Glavni motiv za odlazak mi sigurno nije placa, nego odlazak iz monotonije i nemotivirajuce sredine, ali ako vec idem, naravno da zelim zaraditi sto vise novaca i naravno da gledam u buducnost. Puno sam citao o purserima i na ovom forumu i na drugima, evo vam npr jedan post sa nekog stranog foruma (budem ovo postao i u purser kategoriju).:

I have just come back from 3 weeks training  as a Purser with Carnival Cruise lines and wanted to warn anyone out there before they go.I got the job offer back in April. Gave my job up,and then received a letter from the above mentioned company telling me I needed to get my C1 Visa and a medical (which I had to pay for myself) It was a couple of months and a thousand pounds later before I was finally in Miami,awaiting our ship-'Carnival Fascination' where all new pursers are trained.

 College was relentless. You are supposed to spend 2 weeks in college and 2 weeks on the 'window' (front desk) when you are assessed and sent to a new ship afterwards,but what they didn't tell us was that you can be thrown off the course at any time,due to poor exam results.even though you are told at first you will be assessed at the end of 4 weeks.

 Our 'trainer'  was a complete cow.and worked us like dogs. We never knew what our schedule was going to be until the same day.which meant that we could never make plans in advance or arrange to be in our cabins to await phone calls from our families.We were all unbelievably homesick,but if you were upset it was thought you were 'unstable' and no sympathy was offered.

 We were expected to learn far too much information in the space of 2 weeks it was unbelievable,on top of 3 exams in 2 weeks on the company,history and procedures,we also had to pass a Safety exam,learn 2 folders on the 2 computer sysstems used on board, attend tutorials,boat drill,corporate training and shadowing on the desk.Any spare moment was spent studying.It all started getting on top of us all.Many of us were crying,nervy ,exhausted and distressed at the pressure,at college and in any spare time we had.We were lucky to get a couple of hours off,and we all remember running around Nassau with only an hour and a half to do everything and get back.

 If you are considering working on a ship there is one very important thing you must remember.No-one is your friend,Do not trust anyone and everyone knows everything about you.Keep your head down and hide when you are upset.

After 10 days (only 2 on the desk)  2 of us were dismissed,interestingly out of 9 of us who started together only one other person who hadn't been on a ship before managed to pass the exams.The others had a head start having worked in different departments and this is typically unfair. You don't get a second chance even if you have never worked on board before.You are expected to understand all ship board terms and learn parrot fashion in true American style from reading and don't get a chance at the practical work.

It is important everyone realises this as  my friend and I  didn't and learnt the hard way.We were dismissed immediately on the strength of two weeks of written exams and anyone who is not an American is escorted off the premises by their own Immigration Officer who has you 'under guard' from the moment you leave until the moment you board the plane(which in my friends case was 6 hours) She felt she was treated like a criminal and arrived back in her country with huge debts and very disilusioned with Carnival Cruise lines.

Everyone I spoke to in my 2 weeks had something to say about Carnival.The best was from another purser who said she was exhausted.Carnival not  only expect you to work every day but every second of the day(which is apparently exclusive to Carnival and especially 'MS Fascination') She said my colleague and I were lucky to be leaving and she wished she could go.She said she hated the bitching there,but had such massive debts to pay off she had no choice.

I met others that had no choice.workers spending 15 hours a day cleaning and were not appreciated. Carnival hire  more workers and pay less than any other Cruise Line.I felt exhausted and disappreciated when I left. That's not to say I would work for another Cruise Line.I just feel we should be told before we begin and pay all  that money out that it could all fall through in a few weeks.

Any other stories would be glad to hear...

Predstavljanja / Odg: Pozdrav forumasi!!
« on: 06/November/2009 »
Evo sad sam ih konacno uspio dobit, zvao sam na 01 481 3635 a to nije br od EP-a i jos sam pitao jel to uspinjaca i rekli su da :) Ne znam, mozda je to kao ista firma a jedno od toga je podruznica pa imaju drugo ime

Predstavljanja / Odg: Pozdrav forumasi!!
« on: 06/November/2009 »
Ej lifipaj, zovem danas u tkalcicevoj cijeli dan (tako pise na, nitko se ne javlja, zovem na brojeve 01/4813636 i 01/4813635, jesu to ti brojevi? Poslat cu ti ovo i na pm, ak jos netko zna, molim nek odgovori, pozdrav!

Predstavljanja / Odg: Pozdrav forumasi!!
« on: 05/November/2009 »
Ok, hvala, taman sam mislio odustat, jer je lik tu opciju da mogu radit bez iskustva totalno odbacio, pa me to malo sje...:) Al u medjuvremenu sam zvao gospodju Suzanu Zagar i ona je bila dosta pozitivna i susretljiva, rekla je da sa eng i njem mogu radit na recepciji (samo mi nije spomenula dal moram imat iskustva ikakvog). Ugl, cut cu se jos s njom i ocekivanju sam maila od nje. I probat cu onda i uspinjacu.
Hvala na informaciji, pozz!!

Predstavljanja / Odg: Pozdrav forumasi!!
« on: 05/November/2009 »
O boze....
Evo sad sam zvao Emplyoment power, rekao sam tipu situaciju, da imam 22 godine, da sam student, da nisam dosad radio (na sto je on rekao : "Blago vama" ), i da je jedino sto znam engleski i njemacki (mislim, necu mu lagat, jasna stvar).
Odmah mi je rekao da traze samo konobare, pitao me sto sam ja mislio raditi, rekao sam mu eventualno na recepciji (mada sam znao da ce reci da ne mogu) ili u gift shopu.
On kaze da moram imat za recepciju barem 3 godine iskustva, a isto tako i za gift shop ... I opcenito mi je rekao da moram imat iskustva za bilo koji posao, tako da izgleda sve pada u vodu sto mi je fascinantno jer sam na puno mjesta procitao da vecina ljudi koji su otisli na brod nikada prije nije radila u zivotu te da im je ovo prvi posao.... AAAAAAAAA, sta da radim??!

Predstavljanja / Odg: Pozdrav forumasi!!
« on: 05/November/2009 »
E, to te ja pitam, ovo mi je bilo malo zbunjujuce. Sad ih bas idem zvat, pa cu valjda saznat neke stvari. Hvala Luna!

Predstavljanja / Odg: Pozdrav forumasi!!
« on: 05/November/2009 »
Ok, hvala svejedno, snaci cu se vec  :) Btw, super ti je forum, svaka cast, pozdrav! :uzdravlje:

Predstavljanja / Odg: Pozdrav forumasi!!
« on: 05/November/2009 »
Ljudi, molim vas samo odgovor na ovo: kolko ja vidim employment power ima na crnomercu i u tkalcicevoj (ocito su se premjestili, a na jednoj od EP adresa je USPINJACA), nije mi nista jasno, kod onda da zovem na kraju, molim odgovor, sutra ih mislim zvati.

Evo dokazi!!!

Employment Power Ltd.
Crnomerec 16
10 000 Zagreb

Telephone/ fax:
+385 1 3708 615
+385 1 3708 616

ovo je od USPINJACE:
Osobno: Tkalčićeva 27, 10000 Zagreb

Telefonom: +385 (1) 4813 636, 4813 635

Faxom: +385 (1) 4813 726

Employment Power Ltd.
Tkalciceva 27
10 000 Zagreb

Telephone/ fax:
+385 1 3708 615
+385 1 3708 616


Predstavljanja / Odg: Pozdrav forumasi!!
« on: 03/November/2009 »
zahvaljujem se, u biti, nazvat cu fino EP pa da vidim sta mi oni kazu i gotovo, najmanje muke  :) A super ak oni dolaze u hrv, ja mislio da se prakticki moras kockat, platit kartu kupit odijelo i na kraju figa, vracaj se doma, nisi dobio posao :)

Predstavljanja / Pozdrav forumasi!!
« on: 02/November/2009 »
Ljudi, zivjeli!
Evo vec duze vrijeme razmisljam o tome da odem na brod i ako mi se pruzi prilika, idem, ali fali mi dosta informacija. Pregledavao sam forum, citao postove, al opet mi je dosta toga nejasno, pa se nadam dobrim dusama da mi malo pojasne stvari, hehe.. Dakle, idemo redom, imam 22 godine, nisam nikada radio, studiram, ali mislim prekinut fax (jednostavno mi se ne da, zelim se maknuti odavde i vidjeti svijeta i nadam se nesto i zaraditi), znam engleski dosta dobro (uvijek moze bolje) i njemacki relativno dobro, to su mi prakticki i jedine kvalifikacije, heh, ali imam volju za rad i za ucenjem! A sad, ono sto me zanima (budem postavljao pitanja u rednim brojevima, jer mi je tako lakse, nadam se da nikome ne smeta i da ce te mi odgovarati na isti nacin, hvala unaprijed!  b00/ ):

1.   Kako doći do intervjua, mislio sam ici u employment power, jel ih prvo telefonski nazovem il kako? Jel mogu nesluzbeno ici u EP cisto da saznam informacije, a ne ono, cim dodjem je intervju?  no;;;
2.   E sad, to u EP-u je kao predintervju, jel tako? Oni su samo posrednici izmedju mene i kompanije u kojoj bi radio? Pravi intervju je ako bi isao u npr. Carnival cruise line u SAD-u negdje, pretpostavljam?
3.   Koliko sluzben ja moram biti u EP-u? EP je mjesto gdje ja pricam o svojim zeljama (tipa na kojem radnom mjestu bi htio radit itd.) i mogu biti otvoren u svojim pitanjima jer i njima je u cilju da se ja zaposlim, jel tako? Nije da moram u odijelu doci, jel da? To je tak na pravom intervjuu u Americi?
4.   Sto bi ja sa svojim znanjem engleskog i njemackog mogao ocekivati? Ja sam zainteresiran za stvari tipa gift shop (brine me 0 dana radnog iskustva) i purser (recepcionist), koliko je realno da to dobijem?
5.   Ovo je zadnje pitanje  :D (ZASAD, hehe) Ako prodjem oba intervjua (ako sam dobro shvatio da su 2) jel onda za moju poziciju npr. Recepcionista postoji neki tecaj koji moram odraditi? Jel to istina i jel to odradjujem na brodu il na kopnu? Jel sam onda to placam?

Nadam se da nisam pretjerao u pitanjima, iako ih imam brdo jos, i sorry ako odgovori negdje vec pisu, ja ih nisam uspio naci!

POZDRAV!!!! Hvala unaprijed!  :uzdravlje:

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