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Topics - daRRko

Pages: [1]
Napisao sam preporuku, delom uz pomoc primera sa neta a delom su moje recenice, pa vas molim da mi ukazete na eventualne greske, sta treba dodati/izbaciti, da li deluje kao previse hvaljenja? mada to definitivno jeste moja licnost i mogu to "odbraniti" ma intervjuima, samo pitam se da nije previse? :)

                               Letter of Recommendation

Petar Petrovic
Photo Studio "_____"
Petra Petrovica 50, Novi Sad, Serbia

To Whom it May Concern:
It is my great pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Petar Petrovic. Until just recently, I have had the pleasure of viewing Mr.Petrovic’s professional and personal development over the past two and a half years. I found him to be consistently pleasant, tackling all assignments with dedication and a smile.

As the owner of "____" Photo Studio and Mr. Petrovic’s supervisor, I feel that I know him quite  well. He began working part-time as a Photographer assistant in our studio, where he had a considerable amount of responsibilities, and he handled them effortlessly. Because our mainly job was taking pictures of High School Graduates for Yearbook and pictures for Personal documents such as Passports, Driver’s license and etc., Petar have to work a lot with costumers, and they loved to work with him. He showed his skills to communicate with both customers and the other staff, and due to his dedication, attention to details and general fast learning about photography and software such as Adobe Photoshop, after one year we promoted him from Photographer Assistant to Photographer, as we felt that he had already proven his skills and would be suitable for this position. He proved us right, and he have become an important, effective, and integral part of our team.
As professional photographer myself, I recognized Petar's talent and passion about photography, and I witnessed  to his rejection of the job in other profession  with bigger salary. He has shown that he not only have photography skills, but that he also have the ability to inspire respect and cooperation in teammates.

Mr. Petrovic has informed me that he wants to pursue a job on cruise ship, and I feel that this is an appropriate choice for him. Based on my observation, he clearly have the interest to excel in this field, and based on his performance, he clearly has the ability to achieve success. I therefore highly recommend him to your photographer position. I sincerely hope that you give his application favorable consideration.

Nikola Nikolic
Owner and Ceo,
Photo Studio “____",
Petra Petrovica 50, Novi Sad, Serbia    

"inspire respect" mi nekako ne zvuci lepo sad kad citam, sta mislite o tom izrazu?
takodje sada kada citam, ovaj deo "I witnessed to his rejection of the job in other profession with bigger salary"  mi zvuci neformalno. poruka je trebala da bude da je poslodavac prepoznao da mi je fotografija strast i da bih radije radio to nego nesto drugo za vise para, jer mi one nisu najbitnije.

P.s. Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. :D

Koji posao odabrati? / Dilema
« on: 04/November/2015 »
Pozdrav svim forumasima, ja sam Darko, imam 25 godina i ovo je moj prvi post. Odlucio sam otici na brod, mislim da je razloge nepotrebno obrazlagati kada zivite u ovoj zemlji.

Naslov topic-a mogao je biti i "trilema" ali ne znam da li je to rec uopste :) Znaci, troumim se. Sta izabrati, iako trenutno i ne vidim otvorene konkurse (sem online aplikacija kod kompanija direktno), ali za prvi sledeci svakako.

1. Pantry assistant mi deluje najprimamljivije, jer volim ovu oblast, ali tu nemam iskustva.
2. Fotograf. Hobi mi je fotografija, ali profesionalno nemam iskustva. Da li ima smisla sminkati cv i pokusati "nabaviti" preporuke? (isto pitanje i za pantry assistant i slicne poslove asistenta u kuhinji)
3. Housekeeping, gde imam malo iskustva iz hotela sa 5*. Da mogu da biram izbegavao bih ovaj posao, ali ako su ove dve gore zelje nerealne, prihvatio bih bilo sta za ulazak na kruzer.

slobodno predlozite jos neke entry-level pozicije, sem bilo kakvog vida konobarisanja.

Imam jos jedno pitanje, koliko cesto izlaze konkursi? Tj.kada bih mogao ocekivati sledeci, posto sam na ovaj trenutni kod Safe Cruise agencije zakasnio, popunjen je.

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