Author Topic: Cruise Ship Job - Deck & Engine department (oficiri, inzinjeri,...)  (Read 59152 times)

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Engine Department

Chief Engineer (responsible for the entire technical operations of the vessel including engineering, electrical, and mechanical divisions). Extensive experience with minimum five to eight years in subordinate positions on board ships required. Diploma from accredited maritime training school or facility and fluent English Language skills required. Salary range: $5600-8700 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line.

1-st Engineer (responsible for the daily maintenance and operations of the engineering and technical aspects of the vessel as directed by the chief engineer). Extensive experience with minimum four to six years in subordinate positions on board ships required. Diploma from accredited maritime training school or facility and fluent English Language skills required. Salary range: $4300-5400 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line. Possibilities for promotion to Chief Engineer.

2-nd Engineer (responsible for the daily maintenance and operations of the engineering and technical aspects of the vessel as directed by the chief engineer). Extensive experience with minimum three to five years in subordinate positions on board ships required. Diploma from accredited maritime training school or facility and fluent English Language skills required. Salary range: $3400-4800 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line. Possibilities for promotion to 1-st Engineer.

3-rd Engineer (responsible for the daily maintenance and operations of the engineering and technical aspects of the vessel as directed by the chief engineer). Extensive experience with minimum two to four years in subordinate positions on board ships required. Diploma from accredited maritime training school or facility and fluent English Language skills required. Salary range: $2600-2900 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line. Possibilities for promotion to 2-nd Engineer.

Motorman (responsible for the daily maintenance and cleaning of specific engine parts as directed by the Chief Engineer ). Experience with minimum one to two years on board ships required. Diploma from accredited maritime training school or facility and good English Language skills required. Salary range: $1500-1900 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line.

Fitter (responsible for the daily maintenance and cleaning of engines and mechanical equipment as directed by the Chief Engineer ). Experience with minimum one to two years on board ships required. Diploma from accredited maritime training school or facility and basic English Language skills required. Salary range: $1300-1800 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line.

Wiper ( Trash pick up in engine room, tool pick up, general cleaning and painting of engine room). Entry level position, basic English Language skills required. Salary range: $1000-1200 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line.

Chief Electrician (Responsible for the entire electrical system on board the ship). Extensive experience with minimum two to five years in subordinate positions on board ships required. Diploma from accredited maritime training school or facility and fluent English Language skills required. Salary range: $3200-3900 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line.

Electrician (Responsible for the proper maintenance and repairs of the electrical system on board as directed by the Chief Electrician). Extensive experience with minimum one to three years on board ships required. Diploma from accredited maritime training school or facility and good English Language skills required. Salary range: $2400-2700 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line. Possibilities for promotion to Chief Electrician.

Chief Air Conditioning Technician (Responsible for the maintenance, repairs and supervision of all air conditioning and refrigeration systems as directed by the Chief Engineer). Extensive experience with minimum two to four years in subordinate positions on board ships required. Diploma from accredited maritime training school or facility and fluent English Language skills required. Salary range: $2300-3100 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line.

Air Conditioning Technician (Responsible for the maintenance, repairs and supervision of all air conditioning and refrigeration systems as directed by the Chief Air Conditioning Technician). Extensive experience with minimum two to four years in subordinate positions on board ships required. Diploma from accredited maritime training school or facility and good English Language skills required. Salary range: $2200-2800 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line. Possibilities for promotion to Chief Air Conditioning Technician.

Plumber (Responsible for the maintenance and repair of all plumbing). Experience with minimum one to two years on board ships required. Basic English Language skills required. Salary range: $1500-1900 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line.

Upholsterer (Re-upholstering of all furniture as required). Entry level position, basic English Language skills required. Salary range: $900-1300 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line.

Fireman (Responsible for safety and firefighting on board the ship). Fire fighting certificate and basic English Language skills required. Salary range: $1400-1800 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line

Deck department


Captain (responsible for the entire operation of the vessel). Captain's licenses and all applicable certifications by a recognized maritime government body required. Extensive experience with minimum five to eight years in subordinate positions on board ships and solid experience in all navigational electronic and computerized equipment required. Diploma from an accredited maritime training school or facility and fluent English Language skills required. Salary range: $5800-9800 U.S. dollars a month, depending on the cruise line.

Staff Captain (second in command, oversees day to day operations and management as directed by the captain). Captain's licenses and all applicable certifications by a recognized maritime government body required. Extensive experience with minimum five to eight years in subordinate positions on board ships and solid experience in all navigational electronic and computerized equipment required. Diploma from an accredited maritime training school or facility and fluent English Language skills required. Salary range: $5000-7800 U.S. dollars a month, depending on the cruise line. Possibilities for promotion to Captain.

First Officer (designated navigation officer and supervises the bridge operations). All applicable certifications by a recognized maritime government body required. Extensive experience with minimum three to five years in subordinate positions on board ships and solid experience in all navigational electronic and computerized equipment required. Diploma from an accredited maritime training school or facility and fluent English Language skills required. Salary range: $3700-4300 U.S. dollars a month, depending on the cruise line. Possibilities for promotion to Staff Captain.

Second Officer (designated navigation officer). All applicable certifications by a recognized maritime government body required. Extensive experience with minimum two to three years in subordinate positions on board ships and solid experience in all navigational electronic and computerized equipment required. Diploma from an accredited maritime training school or facility and fluent English Language skills required. Salary range:$2800-3300 U.S. dollars a month, depending on the cruise line. Possibilities for promotion to First Officer.

Third Officer (designated navigation officer). All applicable certifications by a recognized maritime government body required. Extensive experience with minimum two to three years in subordinate positions on board ships and solid experience in all navigational electronic and computerized equipment required. Diploma from an accredited maritime training school or facility and fluent English Language skills required. Salary range: $2500-3100 U.S. dollars a month, depending on the cruise line. Possibilities for promotion to Second Officer.

Junior Third Officer (designated navigation officer in training). All applicable certifications by a recognized maritime government body required. Extensive experience with minimum one to two years on board ships and solid experience in all navigational electronic and computerized equipment required. Diploma from an accredited maritime training school or facility and fluent English Language skills required. Salary range: $1900-2200 U.S. dollars a month, depending on the cruise line. Possibilities for promotion to Third Officer.

Chief Radio Officer (responsible for the entire communication center of the ship, skilled electronics and telegraph repairs and operations of satellite hook-ups, faxes, Marisat communications). All applicable certifications by a recognized maritime government body required. Extensive experience with minimum one to two years in subordinate positions on board ships and solid experience in all communication, electronic and satellite equipment required. Diploma from an accredited maritime training school or facility and fluent English Language skills required. Salary range: $2500-3100 U.S. dollars a month, depending on the cruise line.

Radio Officer (maintains radio communications between ship and ship, ship and shore, skilled electronics and telegraph repairs and operations of satellite hook-ups, faxes, Marisat communications as directed by the Chief Radio Officer). All applicable certifications by a recognized maritime government body required. Extensive experience with minimum one to two years in subordinate positions on board ships and solid experience in all communication, electronic and satellite equipment required. Diploma from an accredited maritime training school or facility and fluent English Language skills required. Salary range: $1900-2500 U.S. dollars a month, depending on the cruise line. Possibilities for promotion to Chief Radio Officer.

Security Officer (handles all shipboard security for the vessel, drugs interdiction). All applicable certifications by a recognized maritime government body required. Extensive experience in security and firearms handling required. Military background preferred. Fluent English Language skills required. Salary range: $2200-2600 U.S. dollars a month, depending on the cruise line.

Security Personnel (handles all shipboard security for the vessel as directed by the Security Officer). Extensive experience in security and firearms handling required. Military background preferred. Good English Language skills required. Salary range: $1600-1800 U.S. dollars a month, depending on the cruise line.

Safety Officer (responsible for passenger and crew safety drills, abandon ship procedures, crew safety training, supervision of ships tenders). Extensive experience with minimum one to two years in subordinate positions on board ships required. Diploma from an accredited maritime training school or facility and fluent English Language skills required. Salary range: $2400-3100 U.S. dollars a month, depending on the cruise line.

Bosun (responsible for supervising general maintenance of assigned stations, assist in tender operations as directed by the Safety Officer). Experience with minimum one to two years on board ships required. Tender Captain's license and good English Language skills required. Salary range: $1600-1800 U.S. dollars a month, depending on the cruise line.

Carpenter (responsible for all carpentry and woodwork on board). Skilled carpenter experienced in related background field required. Entry level position. Basic English Language skills required. Salary range: $1700-1900 U.S. dollars a month, depending on the cruise line.

Seaman (responsible for cleaning, painting, general maintenance of the vessel). Entry level position. Very basic knowledge of English Language required. Salary range: $1400-1700 U.S. dollars a month, depending on the cruise line.

Deck Attendant (keeping the open decks in order-lounge chairs etc.) - No experience required. Very basic knowledge of English Language required. Salary range: $900-1200 U.S. dollars a month, depending on the cruise line.
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Offline medjutim

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Narode , jel bi mogao neko od vas koji su trenutno na brodu ( ili oni koji su bili ) da mi ovde napisu koje se vrste WMF kafe masina (Coffee Machines ) nalaze u kuhinjama restorana i kafica na brodovima ?
Ako mozete napisite proizvodjaca i model ...

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danas sam pricao sajednim momkom koji radi na makini i kaze da ima osiguranje put placen i da radi 3 mjeseca pa ide kuci 2 i onda 3 opet radi
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Offline medjutim

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Hvala sto izdvajas vremena da napises i po neku rec u ovoj temi !!!
Zelim ti puno srece tu na poslu i bar malo slobodnog vremena !
Ja skupljam papire , nabavio sam i potvrdu sa posla gde radim ucim sve o kafe masinama sa nekim majstorom ... valjda ce biti nesto , nadam se !
Pozdrav Miroslave !

Offline medjutim

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Posto sam sinoc poslao dokumenta Sinisi Golcu , rekao mi je da ce ista poslati nekom Johanu Van Haugtu i da ce me on intervjuisati !  :) :) :)
Napisao mi je jos da cemo se cuti za termine tog razgovora !
Interesuje me, da li je neko nekada cuo za ime John Van Haugt ,i da li se zna iz koje je on kompanije ?
Pozdrav drugari, cekam vase odgovore, sav sam happy !  :)

Offline medjutim

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Pozdrav buduci moreplovci !

U Beogradu, tacnije na Vojnoj akademiji, u ponedeljak 26. Novembra, mozete se prijaviti i ostaviti svoje licne podatke i broj telefona oficuru Soskicu, koji bi ucestvovao u obuci !
Kurs bi trebao da pocne sredinom nedelje, kada se skupi dovoljno polaznika, u ovom slucaju 5.
To su kursevi B1 i B2  (B - basic ),osnovni kursevi bezbednosti na moru.
Osnovni kursevi (Basic Training A VI/1) podrazumevaju:

1. Postupci u slučaju opasnosti (Familirazation training)

2. Lično preživljavanje (Personal survival tehnique)

3. Osnove prve pomoći (Elementary First Aid)

4. Protivpožarna zaštita (Fire prevention and fire fight)

5. Lična sigurnost i društvena odgovornost (Personal safety and social responsibility)

Cena kompletnog kursa iznosi 13160 dinara (160 EU)

Cena kursa ( obuke ) bez medicala iznosi oko 11000 dinara.

Potrebna dokumenta: dve slike, fotokopija pasoša (lične karte), uplata

Jos jednom naglasavam da je za odrzavanje i sam pocetak treninga potrebno da se prijavi bar 5 kandidata !
Ja sam se licno prijavio, jer u ovom trenutku to mi je najvaznije da odradim sto pre da bi 7 Decembra, poleteo za Majami i pocnem sa mojim ugovorom na brodu ''Carnival Imagination''.
Inace trebao sam da putujem 2. Decembra ali nepostojanja nekog prihvatljivog termina za ovakav kurs, uspeo sam da odlozim rok za ukrcaj, tako da su mi sve nade usmerene na ovu obuku i kurs na Vojnoj akademiji !
Apelujem na sve one koji misle da mogu i imaju vremena (da izdvoje 3-4 dana za obuku) da se prijave do sutra (u ponedeljak) !
Mozete poslati svoje podatke na moj u e - mail adresu , a preko iste mozete zatraziti i br. telefona od oficira Soskica koji bi odrzavao obuku.
Polaznici kurseva po položenim ispitima dobijaju MEÐUNARODNO PRIZNATE SERTIFIKATE za rad na brodovima širom sveta saglasno IMO propisima. Ovi sertifikati omogucavaju posedovanje POMORSKE knjižice koju mozete sa uradjenim kompletnim lekarskim pregledom u medicini rada na Novom Beogradu izvaditi u Kapetaniji !
Puno pozdrava od Milana !


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Jel moze tko napisati kakve su sanse za dobivanje posla elektronicara na carnivalu. Elektronicar sam na jednoj domacoj firmi bio sam 2 ugovora po 4 mjeseca i sad idem opet, placa je 3300 eura. Koliku bih placu mogao imati na carnivalu i da li je doma ista placeno. Zavrsio sam visu pomorsku skolu al engleski mi nije bas sjajan.


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Jedan 2nd deck off.

Dobra vecer, naliti ja na ovaj site slucajno i citam sa velikim zanimanjem +U+

Lijepo je citati sva ova iskustva Vas koji pisete i  citajuci to, meni se vrati nostalgija za cruzerom. Posto sam bio 15ak godina na trgovackoj mornarici pa jedno tri godine na naftnoj platformi, slucajno sam prije godinu i pol dana bio pozvan od jedne nase agencije na cruzer kompaniju. Nikad nisam prije toga imao to iskustvo i mogu reci da sam se dobro namucio da posao svedem na svoju prihvatljivu rutinu. Odradio sam 3 ugovora u jednom velikom presingu s vrlo malo godisnjeg. Bez obzira na sve, ja sam se trudio da sto vise upijem znanja i vjestine i bio sretan da sam napokon nasao posao koji mi se svidja.Nazalost, kompanija na kojoj sam bio ima katastrofalnu rotaciju za pomorski dio posade i evo ja vise od 4 mjeseca sjedim doma, cekajuci poziv iako je ugovor 4:2.Od svih casnika koje sam upoznao na kompaniji, rijetki su su dobili priliku da ponove ugovor. Ja nikako jos dan danas ne mogu razumjeti tu politiku kompanije i koji je interes u tome da vise manje zaposljavaju nove ljude. Posto sam ja odradio tri ugovora, pomislio sam da sam ja jedan od tih rijetkih. Kao sto sam rekao, sada vec vise od cetiri mjeseca sjedim doma i svakim danom imam sve manje nade da ce me zvati natrag. U medjuvremenu sam slao molbe vecini nasih agencija koje zaposljavaju na cruzere. SSM,GLOBTIC,ZOROVIC,EUROS,BOZIC.... Ovo su Vam vise manje hrvatske agencije koje zaposljavaju 90 posto nasih pomoraca. Posto vise manje kontaktiram kroz e-mail, nisam od njih dobio cak ni potvrdu primitka a kamoli komentar. Evo da skratim, mozda je za sve ovo kriva mrtva sezona kod nas, mozda nesto drugo. U svakom slucaju, ja imam veliku zelju da nastavim raditi taj posao s cijom sam se procedurom prilicno familiarizirao. Ukoliko naleti netko iz neke agencije i uz to potrazuje clana posade  u svojstvu drugog casnika ili environmental casnika, ja sam se spreman odazvati. Postove kontakt adrese mozete ostaviti ovdje. Zahvaljujem!

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Jedan 2nd deck off.

Dobra vecer, naliti ja na ovaj site slucajno i citam sa velikim zanimanjem +U+

Lijepo je citati sva ova iskustva Vas koji pisete i  citajuci to, meni se vrati nostalgija za cruzerom. Posto sam bio 15ak godina na trgovackoj mornarici pa jedno tri godine na naftnoj platformi, slucajno sam prije godinu i pol dana bio pozvan od jedne nase agencije na cruzer kompaniju. Nikad nisam prije toga imao to iskustvo i mogu reci da sam se dobro namucio da posao svedem na svoju prihvatljivu rutinu. Odradio sam 3 ugovora u jednom velikom presingu s vrlo malo godisnjeg...

Uskoro cu sibnuti adrese na koje apliciraju hrvatski i talijanski casnici za Princess, pa apliciraj direktno ...
Kod mene tko uleti, nema sanse da ga preskoce i da sjedi doma ...
Eto, kolega iz deck departmenta, drzi se  ;)

Evo ...

Chiasso, Switzerland
Princess Cruises BV
Corso San Gottardo 32
CH-6830, Chiasso (TI)
Tel: +41 91 695 5169 / 5160 
Fax: +41 91 682 7577.

Genoa, Italy
Navitrans B.V. Shipping Agency
Via Fieschi, 3/5
16121 Genova
Tel:  +39-010-5705-831
Fax:  +39-010-592-655
Odavno ne plovim. Sve odgovore pronađite na forumu. (door=forum, ja Morpheus ti Neo)


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eto,ja bih mogao da radim kao FIRMAN...
imam polozen ADR (protiv pozarni ispit),izdat sertifikat od strane srpskog SUP-a i dobro poznavanje inglisha :)
za taj posao mi verovatno ne treba neko cimanje za intervju,mogao bih direktno da kontaktiram kompaniju?
meni bi to odgovaralo jer fina je platica i ne moram da se smaram sa narodom i budem fin hehe...salim se
sefe foruma-sta ti mislis o tome?


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da,pogresio sam FIREMAN je u pitanju....vidim kopirao si odnekle potrazivanja koja stoje u naslovu teme pa samo zato pitao...
any way fala ti :D

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eto,ja bih mogao da radim kao FIRMAN...
imam polozen ADR (protiv pozarni ispit),izdat sertifikat od strane srpskog SUP-a i dobro poznavanje inglisha :)
za taj posao mi verovatno ne treba neko cimanje za intervju,mogao bih direktno da kontaktiram kompaniju?
meni bi to odgovaralo jer fina je platica i ne moram da se smaram sa narodom i budem fin hehe...salim se
sefe foruma-sta ti mislis o tome?

Fireman se postaje vecinom "interno", tj, kad stari mornari to zasluze, prodju obuku koja ovisi od kompanije do kompanije, i to im je vrsta nagrade, jer vecinon imaju patrole, kontroliraju uredjaje i imaju drillove, na vecim brodovima ih ima ali na manjim ne, to rade A/B po noci, po danu nitko, vazno je reci da nema sanse da netko nas/vas dodje na taj posao, kompanija ima svoje agencije i uzima ljude iz odredjenih zemalja....

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Dragi forumashi,

Imam kolegu kojem bash ne ide porucnicki kao ni meni, s tima da je on opterecen s tim a ja ne, ali da vas ne zamaram, imam pitanje. :pop1:
Zna li netko kako se moze kupiti brevet za casnika trgovacke mornarice, cijena, nacin, sredstvo...itd, itd  -()-
please help... :moli: :moli:
thnx !  :-*

PS : mozemo se cuti i na mail :  ="" =""

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Sjedi i zagrij stolicu...

Offline Ikarus

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Sjedi i zagrij stolicu...

Slazem se...Ponekad uhvatim sebe kako sam ljubomoran i zavidan na ove oficire gore na mostu ali poslije skuzim koliko je tu odgvornosti i svega...
Brod s 3000 putnika i 1500 posade pa kad zavalja...
Pobornik sam teorije da se sve moze nauciti u praksi...
Nacuo sam za nekog starog maritima iz Rijeke koji je imao pecate za te brevete i koji je to "odradjivao"...