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Messages - pomagac

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zato sam i odustao od MTN-a. Sa njima sam bio u shemi pre nego sto mi je Princess potvrdio da mi je prihvacen transfer za ETO. Internet menadzer je super, al plata je duplo do tri puta manja....

Extra, super si se snasao.

Evo bas gledam koga zanima pocetna plata Internet Manager je $ 1850.  :D

pre dve nedelje mi je stigao mail od njih, proveravali da li sam mozda opet zainteresovan za posao. Kaze gosn David da imaju opening...

Bolje ti je ETO, veca plata  :D

Pomagac imas li nekih savjeta za Cover letter vezano za ovu poziciju, ako je uopste obavezn?

Hvala unaprijed!

Probaj  :google!:, trebalo bi da ima nesto u vezi ovoga. Ja kada sam aplicirao nije to trebalo, sada je mnogo rigoroznije.

Trenutno ne mogu da ti kazem koliko ces imati srece da dobijes ovaj posao jer je neka prica da do Oktobra cemo da izgubimo posao na svim Carnival brodovima, sto znaci automatski kompanija ce imati 24 viska zaposlenih. Do sada smo ostali bez 3-4 Carnival broda i tamo je nas posao preuzeo purser desk i i/s manageri.

Uglavnom sretno i probaj da saljes svakih par nedelja svoj CV da vide da si zainteresovan za posao.  :D

kad se već poteglo oko dodatne zarade. kaže na sajtu: " should employees have spare time, they may work for one of the concessions aboard ship such as super shopper and art auctioneers. "
kakvi su to konkretno poslovi ?

To su poslovi tipa da delis letke sa promocijama ispred show lounga pre nego sto supper shopper ima talk, ili delis iste letke na gangway kad ljudi izlaze sa broda.

Za art je uglavnom da stojis u art gallery ili na art auction i radis socialize sa gostima. Moram ti reci da ovo uglavnom rade danceri, jer oni imaju najvise free time na brodu ili muzicari.

Uglavnom za sve ove side jobs treba imati slobodnog vremena ujutru i uvece da bi ste ovo radili, tesko je ako ste konobar ili kuvar, fotograf da imate ovoliko vremena slobodno da bi ste mogli da radite i side job. Svuda gde sam bio uglavnom su to bili danceri lii muzicari koji su to radili.

Samo free wifi negde u luci gde pristanes i skype i surf, ostalo su sve skuplje varijante.


Medical Administrator
Posted on Apr 11, 2013 12:13 PM PDT


Expires: Apr 25, 2013

The Medical Administrator is responsible for providing a high level customer service experience to patients in the medical center and additional administrative support to the medical team.

This position is responsible for duties including but not limited to:
1. Welcoming patients in a warm, friendly and caring manner and determines the medical nature of the visit.
2. Registering patients and capturing patient information with billing authorization.
3. Taking basic medical history and recording vital signs.
4. Scheduling appointments and wellness visits for crew and passengers.
5. Providing telephone support and triage for non-urgent calls.
6. Selling over the counter medications.
7. Completing medical documentation including public health logs and medical reports.
8. Communicating medical records to corporate office.
9. Reviewing new joiners declarations and fitness certificates.
10. Coordinating general cleanliness of medical center.
11. Performing inventory counts and restocking consumable supplies.
12. Generating patient bills and submits invoices for payment.
13. Working with the Finance Manager to reconcile accounts.
14. Preparing purchasing orders and receiving inventory.
15. Ordering of stationary and other consumables.
16. Scribing during mass casualty situations.
17. Updating Web EOC during ERO situations.

Candidates interested in this position must have the following training and experience for consideration:

1. Minimum of one (1) year experience with office administration. (Experience in a Medical office is strongly preferred)
2. Demonstrated computer fluency in Lotus Notes and Microsoft Office applications. (Measured by a Computer Literacy test which is conducted by the Computer Officer onboard.)
3. Demonstrates intermediate English fluency (Marlin’s minimum score of 80%)
4. Demonstrated ability to apply critical thinking.
5. Strong organizational skills.
6. Possesses strong customer service and communication skills.

Final candidates will also be interviewed by shoreside management upon recommendation from shipboard management.

Eligibility Requirements for Internal Transfer

To be eligible to apply for Internal Transfer, the applicant must have fulfilled all of the following criteria:

    Have completed one full contract
    Have completed at least two months of the current contract
    Have received an end-of-contract appraisal score of no less than "Good" (minimum score of 2.80) on the most recent evaluation
    Have no disciplinary action on record for the previous six (6) months of sea service. (If onboard for less than six (6) months, the previous tour of duty should be taken into consideration)
    Have not transferred departments or applied for transfer in the past six (6) months

If you meet the eligibility requirements above, review the current job opportunities and requirements posted on Portholes. Then:

    See your Human Resources Manager to discuss your application. If your ship does not carry a Human Resources Manager, please see your Crew SAP to obtain the necessary application forms.
    After you receive the application form, submit it--along with your resume and other documents--to the Human Resources Manager/Crew SAP before the expiration date on the posting.

Please note: Candidates may only apply for one transfer at a time.

Staff Photographer
Posted on Apr 5, 2013 5:41 AM PDT


Expires: Apr 19, 2013

Shipboard Staff Photographers are responsible for job duties in three main categories: shooting photographs to the required standards, processing all photographs taken by both shipboard photographers and those submitted by passengers, and selling photographs and other photo items to passengers.

A maximum of 10 applicants will be approved for this posting Fleetwide.

Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
-- Working with Photo Manager according to voyage and daily job schedule.
-- Reporting to assigned locations in correct uniform or character costume as directed.
-- Shooting photographs to the required standards.
-- Manning the photo gallery to assist with sales and processing of photos to passengers.
-- Selling photographs and all other photo items available for purchase while providing excellent customer service.
-- Checking all equipment before any shoot, reporting any camera or equipment problems to the Photo Manager.
-- Conducting oneself in a professional manner at all times.
-- Ensuring equipment is properly stored and secured after every event.

All responsibilities must be completed in accordance with company Core Values and all aspects of the CRUISE program.

Candidates interested in this position must have the following training and experience for consideration:
1. Minimum of two years event photography experience strongly preferred, including experience shooting portraits in large event settings.
2. Demonstrated experience using professional grade digital cameras is required. Experience with studio lighting and digital lab equipment is strongly preferred.
3. Formal photography education and training preferred.
4. Sales experience preferred.

Eligibility Requirements for Internal Transfer

To be eligible to apply for Internal Transfer, the applicant must have fulfilled all of the following criteria:

    Have completed one full contract
    Have completed at least two months of the current contract
    Have received an end-of-contract appraisal score of no less than "Good" (minimum score of 2.80) on the most recent evaluation
    Have no disciplinary action on record for the previous six (6) months of sea service. (If onboard for less than six (6) months, the previous tour of duty should be taken into consideration)
    Have not transferred departments or applied for transfer in the past six (6) months

If you meet the eligibility requirements above, review the current job opportunities and requirements posted on Portholes. Then:

    See your Human Resources Manager to discuss your application. If your ship does not carry a Human Resources Manager, please see your Crew SAP to obtain the necessary application forms.
    After you receive the application form, submit it--along with your resume and other documents--to the Human Resources Manager/Crew SAP before the expiration date on the posting.

Please note: Candidates may only apply for one transfer at a time.

Princess Cruises / Re: ELEKTRICARI - Princess Cruises
« on: 24/November/2012 »
Emerald Princess je u dry docku od 7 Decembra do 17. Dry dock je u Freeport, Bahamas. Kao sto neko rece kad zavrsis smenu si free i mozes da ides napolje i da uzivas :) Sretan Put.  :D

Stella number 1 :)

P.S. ubice nas shef  :D

Izabrali smo par brodova razlicitih cruise line ali jos rade na applikaciji koja ce se instalirati na smart telefone. Cim bude krenulo postavicu utiske jer sam jedan od par koji ce to prvi testirati :)

Moje pitanje nije bilo to, već se odnosilo samo na kompaniju PRINCESS CRUISES. Da li ta kompanija SVE DRŽAVLJANE EU plaća bolje nego npr. Srbe ili bolje plate imaju SAMO DRŽAVLJANI NEKE OD ZEMALJA ZAPADNE EUROPE?

Ne placa sve isto. Italijani, Nemci i to je to koliko ja znam da imaju vece plate od ostalih.
Princess kaze da to zavisi od standarda drzave iz koje dolazis, i prema tome tebi daju platu.
Ti kao 3rd cook ces imati vecu platu od nekog filipinca koji je 1st cook.
Princess je jedina kompanija kod koje sam video da daje plate po ovom sistemu.

Celebrity Cruises / Re: Macologist intervju
« on: 07/September/2012 »
da baš tu, zato jer i sad radim taj posao pa mi je posve isto, a opet nije to neka pozicija da se pretrgneš od posla :D

Nekad je bas naporno, jer na svakom brodu bar trecina gostiju ti ima ipade, iphone i ostale apple uredjaje. A ti si jedan i zamisli da ti bar 100 gostiju samo dodje da ih naucis kako se koristi ipad, kako da posalju mail, kako da prebace slike, kako da koriste applikacije.

Meni je to samo dodatni posao koji moram da radim jer sam Internet Manager pa ja to "moram" da im pokazem :).

Znaju biti jako naporni pa ti dolaze svaki dan i uvek isto, a nekad su ok kazu ja sam to tek kupio pre cruisa jer mozes da mi pokazes kako se koristi hahahah

Shefe promenili su i na Princessu nije vise dozvoljeno pusenje u kabinama, samo smoking area deck 8, napravili su malu prostoriju kod crew bara, ja je zovem smoking chamber  :D mala prostorija a puno dima.

udaranje osumnjičenih :)

hahhahahahahha ovo je dobro :), ovo ti sigurno nece trebati na brodu hahah

A sto se tice security na brodu, za agencije nisam siguran ali posao kao sam na brodu i nije nesto placen. Uglavnom ljude koje zaposljavaju tamo su iz Indije, Nepal, Filipini. Slabo je ljudi iz Evrope. Na mom proslom brodu, Princess cruise line, je bio jedan Rumun, koji je posle nekoliko godina rada kao security staff dosao do sada pozicije Security Supervisor i to je najvise sto je mogao da postigne, bez neke dalje obuke u UK. Pocetna plata security je $1000, sto i nije nesto mnogo placeno.
Mozda da probas neke staff pozicije, fotografi super prolaze, tako su mi bar rekli neki nasi ljudi koji rade to.

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