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G&P - link na službenu stranicu za zapošljavanje



Objavili su na facebook stranici da su im potrebi kuvari sa znanjem engleskog. Eto prilike za one bez ugovora.

Poslao sam aplikaciju pre par dana (imam 6 ugovora u bar dept) i dobio sledeci odgovor.

Thank you for your application and for the interest shown in our company.

Due to the high demand of applicants with a comprehensive knowledge of the cruising industry, our job requirements are accurately defined. The high amount of applications unfortunately causes us to have to decline candidates with good qualifications. This decision was not an easy one and we regret not having better news for you.

Thank you for your understanding, we are convinced that you will find a suitable position in the near future.

We wish you all the best for your professional future!

Best regards

Laura Guse
HR Assistant Recruiting:: G&P Cruise Hotel Management GmbH


I ja sam dobio istu poruku pre nekoliko dana potpuno ista samo je pozicija bila za koju sam aplicirao demi chef... A inace sam u roku od 2 dana dobio posao na SCENIC rqzgovor je trajao 5 minuta preko skypa.


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