Author Topic: Cruise Ship Stage Staff Interview Questions & Answers  (Read 52683 times)

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Offline CrimsoN

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Posto me dosta vas pitalo koja pitanja da ocekuju na intervjuima evo sta sam dobio od agenta: :deda:


Pitanja za 1. Interview;

1Q. Tell me about why you would like to work onboard a Cruise Ship and why Royal Caribbean?
A. Travel Money , Experience Other__________________

2Q. Tell me about your experience that qualifies you for this position.
3Q. Please list for me the equipment you have full knowledge had experience operating.
4Q. Please describe for me the show you worked that you found most challenging.
5Q. What styles of shows have you had experience working with? Please describe each.
6Q. What do you think will be the challenges of working onboard a cruise ship as a technician?
7Q. Please give me an example of a time you had to deal with a team that did not get along—describe the situation and how you handled it.
A. Answered clearly/quickly Mediocre Not clearly Had to repeat

8Q. Give me an example of a time you went above and beyond the call of duty while at work.

9Q. What have you done in the past to contribute to a teamwork environment?

10Q. Do you have questions for me regarding the position?
A. STAG $1150 (Shared Cabin) TECH $1900 (Single Cabin) 6mo / 6wk Duties

11. Describe a stage layout?
A. Stage consists of right, left and center, the stage used for production shows, Standup comedy etc.

12. What is stage right?
A. On the right side of the stage

13. Which part of the stage would place the microphone? why
A. Always in the center of the stage.

14. Do you use spotlight on the stage?
A. Yes, spotlight used during the shows.

15. What is stage left?
A. Left side of the stage

16. Name two microphones used on stage.
A. Cordless microphone and Cord microphone

1. Describe the steps needed to prepare for a show?
A. Check and change Batteries in wireless (radio) microphones.
Check audio on all wireless and wired microphones.
Check all audio source CD’s Video, playback units.
Check the correct tapes or CD’s or programs are cued up.
Check mixer console (desk)

2. What is Phantom Power?
A. A means of powering condenser microphones or active direct boxes.
 A current of (usually) 48 Volts is sent along the microphone cable from the mixing desk or, where the mixer does not have phantom power facilities,from a phantom power box, into which the microphone is plugged and which, in turn, plugs into the mixer.

3. What is a direct box (DI box or Direct Injection)?
A.Connects instruments or line levels outputs to an input on a sound system.

4. What is the difference between a balanced line and unbalanced line?
A. On an unbalanced line the signal is carried by a hot conductor and the shield (ground /screen /common)
On a balanced line the signal is carried by two conductors and no signals is carried on the shield (ground/screen/common)

5. What is a nominal distance for a balanced line?
A. Balanced line less then 600ft / 182 meters.

6. What is the nominal distance for an unbalanced line?
A. Unbalanced line less then 30ft / 10 meters

7. For what purpose would you use a compressor?
A. On a microphone or instrument to limit it’s volume level or dynamic range.

8. What is a good starting ratio for compressing a vocal?
A. 2 to 1 or 3 to 1

9. What is a patch bay / patch panel?
A. A panel that houses cable connections to easily change signal flow.

10. What is an output matrix?
A. Where all the Subs /Sub groups /sub masters mix together to various outputs to the system.

1. 1. 1. Describe a pre show start up procedure.
• Check that all equipment and lights are powered on.
• Check that the correct show is loaded in the console.
• Check that all channels, and/or dimmers are working.

2. What is a Grand Master?
• The master fader on a lighting control desk which controls all the other faders. No matter what position the other faders are in, if the Grand Master is set to zero, they do not function. If another fader is set to 50% and the GM is at 100%, then the lanterns controlled by that fader will be at 50%; if the GM is set at 50%, then the other fader's lanterns will be at 25%.

3. How many DMX addresses are in a universe?
ANSWERS  • 512

4. What’s the difference between channels and dimmers
• Channels control dimmers (Only one channel can control a dimmer)
• Dimmers control the lights (Many dimmers can be controlled from one channel)

5. What is the difference between intelligent lighting and static or conventional lighting?
• Intelligent lighting is a fixture which can move, change focus and colour, and/or insert gobos by remote control from the lighting desk.
• Conventional or static instruments are fixed focus units.

6. What sort of lamp needs to be “struck” when it is powered on?
ANSWERS Arc source lamp (or HMI)

7. What is a gel?
ANSWERS • A filter (glass or plastic) placed over the front of a lantern/fixture to change the colour of the light.

8. What is a practical?
ANSWERS • Adjective used to describe props or scenery which have to work as in real life when used; e.g. a practical ceiling light must actually light up when switched on by an actor.

9. What is a special?
ANSWERS • A lantern/fixture - not used for general illumination but for a special effect, such a lighting a single actor or piece of scenery.

10. What is a submaster?
ANSWERS • In modern lighting desks, a whole lighting state can be allocated to a single fader, called a sub-master, so that when this fader is operated, the whole state responds.

11. What is Gobo?
ANSWERS • A piece of metal or glass, which fits into the gate of instrument or intelligent light, and projects a pattern onto the set.

12. What are the 3 conductors used for in a standard electrical cable?
• 1.Gound/earth/common
• 2.Hot/live/Phase
• 3.Neutral/return

13. What is a DMX interface/opto-splitter used for?
ANSWERS • To distribute DMX to various racks and lighting intelligent /fixtures around the room.

14. Describe a regular maintenance call?
ANSWERS • Check all Dimmers and/or channels
• Check the focus on instruments
• Replace burnt lamps/bulbs
• Replace worn gels
• Clean lens/Mirrors
• Check and clean air filters on gear and in equipment racks
• Check safety cables and clamps

15. What is a Cue List?
ANSWERS • The sequence of lighting looks programmed in the console that are played back during a show.


Pitanja za 2. Interview;

1. Have you interviewed with another Hiring Partner or RCCL representative?
2. Do you have any of bellow:
a. Hotel, Restaurant, Bar Experience?           
b. Cruise Experience?             
3. How did you hear about this opportunity?
4. Do you speak read write English?                   
5. What is your native language?                     
6. Other languages?                                       
7. Are you able to pay for joining costs including passport, medical exam, visas & airline ticket?                 
8. Have you ever had a C1D visa?                 
9. Have you ever been denied a C1D or any other US Visa?                 
10. Have you violated any laws governing the issuance of foreign work, visit or transit visas?
11. Can you lift up to 50 lbs?
12. Do you have visible piercing's or tattoos?
13. Are you willing to share a cabin?
14. Are you willing to work onboard a ship for 6 to 8 months away from your family and friends, working 10-12 hours a day, 7 days per week?
15. When I contact your past employers, what will they say about your work habits, punctuality and reason for leaving?
16. What qualifies you for this position?

Please Answer bellow 4 Technical Questions:

17. Tell us about your experience that qualifies you for this position?
18. Please list the equipment you have full knowledge had experience operating?
19. Which part of the stage would place the microphone and why?
20. What styles of shows have you had experience working with? Please describe each.

Offline baky022

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Ocekivana pitanja za GLAVNI INTERVJU???

Offline CrimsoN

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Ocekivana pitanja za GLAVNI INTERVJU???

DA, i za prvi i za drugi.
Pitanja su podeljena zvezdicama(************).

Offline baky022

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« Reply #3 on: 20/April/2012 »
Hvala ti sto si se potrudio,znacice mnogima da spreme odgovore,ili bar utvrde znanje

Offline Idemnabrod

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danas sam prosao intervju zahvaljujuci ovome !!!

Offline Kakun

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Re: Cruise Ship Stage Staff Interview Questions & Answers
« Reply #5 on: 06/February/2014 »
Juche bejah na razgovoru za ovu poziciju :) ovo je bio prvi razgovor... imacu josh jedan 11 ili 12 ovog meseca. Sve u svemu spremio sam pitanja sa vrha ove stranice i otishao na razgovor. Na razgovoru nas je bilo oko 6-7 i ja jedini za ovu poziciju. Kada je doshao red na mene seo sam predstavio se i odmah opleo chisto da me nishta ne bi pitala xD lakshe mi da ja ispricam sve shto znam xD tokom svog monologa sam skontao da zena nema pojma o chemu ja prcham ali je uredno klimala glavom xD sve u svemu proshao sam i sada chekam taj poslednji razgovor :) sada mi je sve jedno ko ce mi doci jer sam probio led po pitanju treme za vreme razgovora :D nadam se najboljem pa vam javljam shta sam uradio.

CrimsoN hvala shto si me maltene spremio za ovaj razgovor ! xD
ako prodjem na finalnom vodim te na pice xD

Offline Kakun

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Re: Cruise Ship Stage Staff Interview Questions & Answers
« Reply #6 on: 13/February/2014 »
Danas bio Finalni :) Pokidao sa istim ovim pitanjima... nisam mu dozvolio da mi postavlja pitanja xD samo se nadovezivao sa jednog na drugo pitanje i tako prichao oko 6 minuta... pitao me samo dal smo koristili ikakav safety dok sam ovde radio sa opremom i da li sam radio u pozorishtima. Tako da je to to... bio je zadovoljan mojim odgovorima i rekao je da sada shalje svoju preporuku nazad u centralu i da mi dalje informacije javljaju za 2 nedelje najkasnije.
Ja prezadovoljan !  :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

CrimsoN Mnogo hvala na pomoci sa ovim pitanjima... pomogao si maximalno xD !!!!

Offline Iggy1988

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Re: Cruise Ship Stage Staff Interview Questions & Answers
« Reply #7 on: 22/November/2015 »
Stari hvala na ovome puno si mi pomogao  :banana:
Hvala puno :D

Offline cuca_

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Odgovor na pitanje o mikrofonima nije tacan.

Postoje dinamicki i kondenzatorski mikrofoni, to je neka osnovna i bitna podjela.

Offline pajoPatak051

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  • Recruitment Agency: EP
  • Job Title: Entertainment
Pozdrav svima
Prije 10 dana sam poslao cv agenciji Ep iz Zagreba za mjesto stage staff. prije 4 dana dobio mail od rccl kompanije za final skype intervju sa nekom gospojom Hambrick koja navodno je njihov regruter.
SAm intervju je trajao niti 10 min a jedino pitanje sta je ona mene pitala od svih ovih pitanja je What is UP stage?Ostala pitanja su bila tipa gdje sam dosad radio,koliko imam staža,kad bi mogao naranije ici na brod i tako općenito.
Sad opet dobijem mail od Ep da ce mi cestitaju na prolasku i da ce mi javit kad je slijedeći intervju sa nekim iz tehnicala valjda.
Dali  je netko imao slično iskustvo jer je pisalo u mailu od rccl da sam pozvan na final interview sto bi značilo da je ovaj idući kakv onda?final final? -()-