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Messages - Shark

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POZDRAV  SVIM  . Imam  par  pitanja  , kao  prvo  znam  solidno  eglesk ( komunikacija  )  ali  jako  loše  ga  pišem  mislim  kada  treba  da  napišem  nešto  na  engleskom  koliki je  to  problem? Drugo  tražio  bi  početnu  poziciju  u baru koliko  teško  doći  do  nje , i  šta  je  potrebno  za  nju kraće? I  da  dali  je  moguće  zaposliti  se   kao električar  ili  je  to  ide  mali  teže ? hvala unapred

Bitno je da dobro komuniciras na engleskom, nitko te nece traziti na interviewu da nesto pises, tako da je to vise manje nebitno, pocetnu poziciju u baru (bar boy) ces dobiti bez veceg problema ako znas bar nesto o radu u kaficima i dobro komuniciras na engleskom, jer vidim da agencije dosta traze taj kadar  ::yes::

Bar Boy / Bar Steward (responsible for cleanliness of lounges and re-stocking bar supplies) - no experience required, entry level position. Very basic English Language skills required. Salary range:  $600-900 U.S. per month, depending on percentage of tips (gratuities). Possibilities for promotion to Bar Waiter

Carnival Corporation / Re: Carnival Cruise Line
« on: 21/January/2009 »
Agencije su iste kao i kada si isao za Carnival, imas ih sve navedene ovdje na forumu, samo napomeni agentu da ne zelis (ne mozes) vise na Carnival i da te salju na drugu kompaniju, procedura je ista

Gift Shop Department / Invermore Shipping LTD, Koper
« on: 20/January/2009 »
Invermore Shipping LTD

Koper, Slovenija

Isto kao u Employment Poweru u Zagrebu  :deda:

PLEASE ADHERE TO THE PROPER DRESSCODE ON COMPANY INTERVIEW DAYS (ladies: blouse, skirts/trousers, gentlemen: suit and tie)!!!!

Positions to be filled:


Asst. dining room server, Beverage server, Custodial Host (cleaner),Lifeguards, 2nd.Housekeeper (management level),Galley steward, Cooks, Sommelier, Merchandise host/ess, Quick service attendant, Crew dining attendant,Guest service

Date & place of next interview:  MARCH 23, 2009
Last interview:  OCTOBER 04, 2008


Food and Beverage (assistant waiter, barserver), Housekeeping (hotel steward, asst. cabin steward/ess,flloor supervisor, asst. housekeeping manager), Purser department (receptionist, hotel administration coordinator), Entretainment (videographer, photographer)

Next interview: MARCH-APRIL 2009.
Last  interviews: DECEMBER 3-4, 2008


We are constantly looking for preferably german but also english speaker crew for the following positions:
Waiter/ess, Cabinsteward/ess, Receptionist, Laundry crew, Nautica, Kitchen staff- all level

Next interview: FEBRUARY 11, 2009 (START DATE MARCH-APRIL)
Last interviews:  MAY 28, 2008


Positions to be filled:
Food & Beverage:
Café Attendant, Asst. waiter, Waiter, Barserver, Bartender
Hotel cleaner,Cabinsteward/ess
Purser department:
Receptionist, International Host
Cruise staff (animator),Audio/Video technician,Youth staff, Casino dealers, Casino cashier

Next interview: MARCH-APRIL, 2009
Last interviews: JANUARY 14, 2009 (NON CASINO POSITIONS ONLY!!!)

Casino department:

Next casino table test and interview: MARCH , 2009
Last interviews for casino department: October 13-14 2007

Positions to be filled:
Beauty therapist, Massage therapist,Hairdresser, Barber, Fittness instructor, Nail technician, Spa centre receptionist

Last interviews:


Positions to be filled:
Assistant waiter, Waiter, Barserver, Bartender, Assistant cabin stewardess, Cabin stewardess, Cooks

Last interview:  NOVEMBER 28,2008

Image Photo Services

Positions to be filled

Next interview: FEBRUARY , 2009 (BUDAPEST)
Last interviews: AUGUST 07, 2008-ZAGREB


Positions to be filled:
Shop attendant
Asst. shop manager

Last interview: NOVEMBER 15-16, 2008 BUDAPEST

GMN Global Manning Network

There are many exciting and rewarding employment opportunities in the cruise industry. Working onboard a luxury ship you will have the chance to work with colleagues from over 60 different countries and experience the WORLD outside your own country with its challenges and wonders.
We, GMN Global Manning Network (formerly known as Cruise Aider Ltd.) have been recruiting crew for onboard employment since 1992.
Cruise lines seek friendly, outgoing, highly motivated and professional individuals with a positive attitude. Some stay with the cruise lines for 5-15 years, some utilize the 1-2 years for gaining financial stability and collect much-needed life-experience.

Whether you are a top professional in the hospitality industry or a young, adventurous person who prefers life-learning to book-learning, you are likely to make it with our help.

Applicants must be at least 21 (18+ on the river ships) with 2 or more years of relevant experience. English and/or german (on the river ships) is a must.

7 Boráros tér, Staircase #1, Suite 5, 4th Floor
1095 Budapest, Hungary

Tel.: (+36)-1-323-2290,92,94
Fax: (+36)-1-323-2299
Cellular: (+36)-20-935-5225
Skype: globalmaning

Web sites:

oT :( ajme,i ja iman dioptriju oko -2.20???? ocu imat problema ili??? samo to sad triba da ne prodjen ljecnicki zbog toga,neeeee oT oT oT oT

.................Dr. Batarelo u Zg, sve je bilo super i preporucujem ga svakome jer ce vam izaci maksimalno u susret, evo recimo ja imam dioptriju na jedno oko preko -2 (mislim da sam citao da je dozvoljeno +-1.5) i nije mi uopce radio probleme vec me samo malo svjetovao u vezi toga, a sto se tice kompanije dao mi je prolaz bez problema........................  ;D

A sta ces  oT , nisam ni gledao  :nono:

Daj ako ti nije problem pojasni proceduru uploada videa i slike, znam da se moze preko vanjskih hostova tipa imagehost i youtube i sl., jeli to jedini nacin ili?

Shefe ima li nade da se omoguci upload slika i videa, znam da nisi bas sa vremenom na ti, ali bilo bi dobro kad stignes, vidim da si otvorio temu te tematike, pa mozda da ju puknes na child board, samo prijedlog   :uzdravlje:

:D eheheeej,pozdrav, shark u kojoj si fazi,kada ides po vizu i kad trebas napravit ljecnicki,opisi sta se sad dogadja,ako imas vrimena ="" :-))))'
      hvala :rolleyes:

Evo da se javim malo, obavio sam ljecnicki u srijedu kod Dr. Batarela u Zg, sve je bilo super i preporucujem ga svakome jer ce vam izaci maksimalno u susret, evo recimo ja imam dioptriju na jedno oko preko -2 (mislim da sam citao da je dozvoljeno +-1.5) i nije mi uopce radio probleme vec me samo malo svjetovao u vezi toga, a sto se tice kompanije dao mi je prolaz bez problema, osim toga pregled je trajao oko pola sata, nakon cega se ide blizu maksimirskog stadiona slikati pluca , a poslje toga vaditi krv blizu kvatrica (dati ce vam upute), i s tim slikama pluca i bocicom krvi se vracate Dr. Batarelu
To je to sto se tice ljecnickog, oni tada razne pretrage s tom krvi, ukljucujuci droge i sl., i javljaju vam se drugi dan SAMO u slucaju da nesto nije bilo u redu, ako je sve ok nikom nista, oni salju pretrage i sve te papire u EP i vi ste mirni
Jedna napomena samo za sve koji idu na ljecnicki, odite prije kod svojih doktora opce prakse i trazite da vam da ili iskopira mali karton na kojem su evidentirani datumi i tipovi cjepljenja koje ste primili za zivota (mumps, ospice i sl.), trebati ce vam jer to kompanije zahtjevaju, a to svako ima jer se uglavnom obavlja kao bebi ili za vrijeme skolovanja, e i da cijena svega tog je 1100kn
Ja evo sad vjerojatno ovaj tjedan vadim visu oko koje nebi trebalo biti problema, a onda pakiranje i slatke brige do 20.02.  :uzdravlje:

ok! U Zagrebu, u hotelu "I" su bila( koliko nam je poznato) 12. i 13. 11.08. dva interview-a u organizaciji Employment-Power-a.
Za sada se po Forumu javljaju SHARK i TBF koji su primljeni iz grupe 12.11.08. od njih 46 (samo 6 nije prošlo; kaže TBF).
Gdje su ostali ? Javite se na Forum ili direktno nekome od nas.
Ja sam(Marna) bila 13.11.08. na istom mjestu sa još 70-tak ljudi na interview-u. Polovica su bili veterani i normalno je da su dobili posao kao i datum ukrcaja prije nas ostalih "begginera".
Za sve nas je pametnije da smo u kontaktu( da se držimo skupa), a ovaj Forum upravo to i omogućava.
Pozdrav svima i konektirajmo se!!!!!

Potpis na sve sto si rekla, lakse je cekat u ekipi nego solo, ali problem ti je sto dosta ljudi kojih se ova tema (rad na brodu) dotice nezna za ovaj vrlo koristan forum, siguran sam da bi se javila vecina onih koji cekaju ukrcaj, ali eto sta je tu je
Osim mene i tbf jos ti je tmia bila 12. za shop i to je to koliko ja znam za sad na ovom forumu, mislim da je oko 300 ljudi primljeno u ovoj turi za shop ako se zbroje Beograd, Zagreb i Budimpesta u tih 6 dana, sto je neki normalan broj, pa eto i ja pozivam svakog ko je bio neka se jave da podjelimo iskustva, da vidimo ko je u kojoj fazi, i gdje i kad se ko ukrcava

Quote from: Suzana Zagar (A priori)
"Za doci na finalni odabir kandidata; bez piercinga, bez vidljivih tetovaza, decki - kratka kosa (do okovratnika), najvise sto se moze imati dlakica na muskom licu jest mala uredna okrugla bradica, inace sve ostalo na licu treba biti frisko izbrijano, obuci kosulju, duge hlace (ne traperice), cipele (ne tenisice), bez nausnica, maximalno 1 tanki lancic oko vrata, maksimalno jedan prsten na jednoj ruci (decki), moze sat na (jednoj!!! :D ) ruci...Cure isto uredno odjevene, uredno pocesljane, isto bez viska nakita ili sminke, ne traperice i ne tenisice"

Quote agentice za posao na cruiserima............

Mislim da je mislila na  # goatee1

Quote from: Grooming policy
Grooming policy is the same for most of the cruise companies. For girls, the hair has to be pulled back, no other hair accessories except for a hair net (which is mandatory if you work with food), for boys, the hair needs to be short, very small goatee, no extraordinary haircut. Needles to say that, if your hair is pink, your supervisor will send you to the hair dresser to change it.  No earrings for boys, nickel size earrings for girls. Just the wedding ring is accepted, leave all the rest home or in your cabin when you go to work. If you’re working with food, your nails need to be short and no nail polish on them.


Quote from: Mike Schneider, Associated Press
Disney Loosening Workers' Grooming Rules

ORLANDO, Fla. - Mickey Mouse can now sport cornrows, and Minnie can wear hoop earrings.

The Walt Disney Co. is loosening grooming rules for workers at its theme parks, another shift from the squeaky-clean standards set by the company's founder decades ago.
Under a new policy adopted last month, male park workers for the first time can wear braids provided they are above the collar, neatly tied close to the scalp and in straight rows. Female workers have been able to braid their hair for years.
"It is really becoming a mainstream look," said Melissa Valiquette, manager of Costuming, Cast Image and Appearance at Walt Disney World.
Men will also be allowed to wear different styles of shirts, while women can wear more revealing footwear and less conservative earrings. (Hosiery is still a must.)
The changes were based on comments from workers and focus groups involving at least 60 Disney visitors who were shown photos of different clothing and hair styles and asked if they had objections to park workers wearing them.
"We're not looking to be on the cutting edge, but we want to see what styles are becoming mainstream," Valiquette said.
The last time Disney changed its grooming policy was in 2000, when the company allowed workers to grow mustaches. In 1994, female theme-park workers were permitted to use eye shadow and eyeliner and balding men were allowed to wear toupees.
After the changes in 2000, there was a rash of mustache-wearing employees.
"I think cornrows will be different," Valiquette said. "It's not a look that everyone can pull off."
Men who don't wear costumes will no longer be limited to Oxford-style shirts — crewneck, turtleneck, mock turtleneck and three-button collared sweaters will be permitted. Golf and polo shirts are still forbidden.
"Our personal opinion is that golf and polo shirts look nice when they're brand new but they don't look good after you've washed them," Valiquette said. "After you've washed them, they're naturally prone to looking sloppy."
Gary Steverson, a character performer at the Disney-MGM Studios park who likes the strict grooming standards, said the change makes sense.
"It makes us more approachable to guests," Steverson said. "A person in a shirt and tie, how approachable are they?"
Female workers can for the first time wear hoop earrings, provided they are no larger than a dime. Only one ring per ear is permitted and they must be worn on the bottom of the earlobe.
The new grooming rules also allow for some more fancy-free footwear for female workers, who now will be able to wear open-toe and open-heel shoes. Athletic shoes, sandals and western boots are still frowned upon.
Union leaders praised the changes.
"Any additional leeway is a good thing," said Donna-Lynne Dalton, recording secretary for Teamsters Local 385, which represents bus drivers and costumed workers.
Steverson said Disney officials may also be trying to appease workers as they approach negotiating sessions for a new union contract in a few months.
"I think they're trying to change the cold company into a warm company," he said.
Even though Walt Disney wore a mustache, he was a stickler when it came to the grooming of park employees, wanting them to maintain clean-cut images at Disneyland in California and Walt Disney World in Florida.
"Walt was a staunch conservative when it came to appearances but he was definitely a person who believed in changing with the times," Valiquette said

23.02. Celebrity Constellation u Ft. Lauderdaleu ako ide ko ili je tamo nek se javi  :uzdravlje:

pozdrav svima,zamolila bih ako ima koga sa Rubya da mi malo opise kakav je brod,kakav je za rad....ukrcavam se 7.3.2009.jedva cekamm..... :banana:  ;D

E ne mogu ti rec kolko mi je drago ovo cut, vec mi je bilo cudno kak nikom osim mene nisu nista javili iz te grupe od 12.11.
I da nadam se da ce bar jos neko od vas na Celebity, javite se kad saznate gdje ko ide i kad  :uzdravlje:

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