Author Topic: frutni, Assistant Waiter, Carnival Cruise Line  (Read 2394 times)

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Korisničko ime: frutni
Država: Slovenija
Spol: Musko
Kompanija: Carnival Cruise Line
Pozicija: Assistant Waiter

 Kako ste čuli o poslu na kruzerima?
I heard about working on a cruise ship from a friend. How to travel the world and earn money at the same time. I liked the idea. After that, I did a little research on the internet and forums.

Što vas je privuklo da aplicirate za posao na kruzerima?
I wanted to travel the world, visit exotic places, meet new friends and of course - earn some money. It was great idea to combine all of this together.

Preko koje ste se agencije za rad na kruzerima prijavili i zašto baš preko nje?
Employment Power from Zagreb. It was very close to travel and the whole process from interview till getting the job was very quick.

Za koju ste se kompaniju i poziciju prijavili i zašto?
I applied for Carnival Cruise Line the position was assistant waiter. I took the offer becouse was the fastest way to join the cruise ship.

Koliko je trajao interview i kada ste saznali da ste prošli?
The interview was is Zagreb. The interviewprocess took about 20 minutes. After 2 days I received the email that I passed the interview.

 Kako ste se spremili na put u nepoznato, što ste odlučili nositi sa sobom?
First I had to apply for seafarers USA visa and I passed the medical exam. All the documents got ready and than it was time to pack. I remember I completely over packed.
My advice to you all, take very little with you for your free time because most of the time you will be working.

Opišite kako ste se osjećali prvih nekoliko dana na brodu
First month was the most difficult.
A lot of safety drills and training plus work and at the end of the day you want to relax a bit with your fellow coworkers at the crew bar. Not much sleep.
But day after day you get better and got used to the routine.

Koliko vam je kompanija pomogla osjećati se dobrodošlim na vaše radno mjesto?
Every crew and staff members were more than happy to help you. They see you are new and lost and they point you in the right direction.

Da li vam je, po dolasku, netko neposredno pomogao uputiti vas u posao?
There was quite few of us from neighboring countries, we stick together for the whole time on board. Even assistant MaitreD and senior MaitreD were paisanos so it was good luck to have them in the team.

Kako ste se nosili sa ograničenošću životnog prostora na brodu?
There was not a problem. The cabin is small not much space there. For sleep is ok. If you want some fresh air you go to the open deck.

Jeste li bili zadovoljni zaradom?
For the fist time it was not much, but if you consider that you are there for the certain time to make and save money, at the end of the contract you count all the savings and it feels good.
On board you don`t spend much plus you don`t have any costs.

Postoji li mogućnost napredovanja tj. promocije na poslu?
For my first contract they moved me quite fast to the dining room. But after I figured out it takes much more time to get promoted from there.

Kako vam se svidio društveni život na brodu?
I spend very good time there. I meet a lot of new friends we are still in touch. Every time you entered the crew bar was someone happy to see you and the time moved much faster.

Opišite kakvi su ljudi sa kojima ste zajedno radili na brodu.
On board there are many nationalities. Most of them are from Indonesia, Filipino, India. I had no problems with any of them. Like I said most of the time I was together with pajsanos.

Kako biste opisali putnike?
Mostly were Americans. Very friendly but very needy especially when we are talking about the food and they like to get a lot of food either was  room service, lido or dining room.

Jeste li imali vremena posjetiti destinacije koje je brod posjećivao?
Yes most of the time we went out to the beach or get some food.
It felt good to touch the ground you are feeling like a tourist but you know you have to be back on the duty very soon.

Jeste li imali neko omiljeno mjesto za izlazak?
Half Moon Cay absolutely. Amazing beach and water is so clear.

Opišite dobre strane rada na kruzerima.
You get good working habits. Being on time is important. You improve your organization skills you have very limit time for yourself but you learn how to spend it efficiently and productive.
You improve your language skills. Working in the team and as a leader. Making friends from all over the world. Earning money.

Opišite loše strane posla na kruzerima.
You are away from your family and friends. Sometimes you feel home sick.

Biste li zainteresiranima preporučili posao na kruzerima i zašto?
Of course. You are able to see the world. Visit the places you can just dream about. Meet people from all over the world and make some money.

Vraćate li se opet na brod?
I will go back for sure. I had good experience.

Želite li dodati nešto što smatrate važnim?
There are many opportunities on the cruise ships. The industry is getting bigger and bigger.
You have to start somewhere to see what the cruise ship industry has to offer to you.
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