
Posao na Brodu => Pursers => Brodska odjeljenja ~ Departments => Manuals, Brochures & Procedures for Pursers => Topic started by: CEO on 07/February/2010

Title: Don't take it personally
Post by: CEO on 07/February/2010
When confronted with an angry guest, remember you are there to help resolve the situation.
The guest is angry with a certain matter, NOT YOU.

-   Keep positive that you can turn the situation around
-   It is important not to let the situation anger you
-   Remain calm
-   Be confident, assure yourself you can take care of the situation
-   Know that the moment will pass and that you can handle it.  


When this guest leaves the desk, you will need to continue to conduct yourself in a serious professional manner.  
You may have other guests present in line to assist and want to give them the courteous service and experience that we take pride in.

-   It is important to leave this situation in the back of your mind and move onto the next guest
-   Remember your body language – Stay calm, confident and professional.  
-   If the next guest makes reference to the incident, assure them it is being handled.  At no time is this issue to be discussed with the next in line.
-   Do not laugh or mock the guest as they leave.
-   Do not discuss the matter with your colleagues on the front desk.


When the opportunity presents itself, you will need to go into the back office and collect your thoughts.  It can be quite an experience putting up a shield to angry guests.  With experience you will learn to take a deep breath and move forward

-   Take a time out
-   Reflect, try to think of the situation in a calm and positive manner, even though you may wish to scream and over-react.  
Remember to take care in your actions with your team.  They count on you and negative comments can affect the office mood.  
The team will respect you when you look at the situation at hand and know you acted with professionalism and care with the guest.
-   If you wish to discuss the issue, select a team member who can help you in a productive manner, in  most cases it will be a supervisor whom you respect.

An angry guest should be treated as an isolated case.  We would not be the most popular cruise-line in the world if we had a ship full of unhappy, shouting guests.  On the rare occasions we do encounter angry guests, try and recognize how many guests are onboard and are pleased with our service and product.

-   Take a moment to acknowledge what you do and what you accomplished with  other guests during  your shift
-   Take pride in what you do
-   Even if it is a difficult situation, break it down and complete step by step.
-   As soon as possible contact any relevant departments and begin to tackle the issue.  
-   Once you put the situation in perspective you will see you can help.


Sometimes we cannot always please our guests.  We will do our best, extend apologies, listen, thank them, extend gestures and wine and dine but that one guest may still not be happy.
-   Replay the scenario with the upset guest; ask yourself:  Did I listen effectively?  Did I express concern?  Empathy?  Did I apologize?  Give my full attention?
-   Could I have handled this situation differently?
-   Knowing that you did all you could – be proud to recognize that you did everything in your power and resources to resolve the situation.