
Posao na Brodu => Brodska odjeljenja ~ Departments => Medical Department => Topic started by: CEO on 20/August/2007

Title: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: CEO on 20/August/2007
Medical department


The medical department offers the following job positions: Chief Doctor/Physician, Doctor/Physician and Registered Nurse. The department usually consists of one or two doctors and anywhere from one to four nurses depending on the on board facilities. Aboard cruise ships doing world cruises or remote itineraries, the need for a full surgical staff and a dentist may be more common. Medical staff is either hired directly by cruise line medical departments or through concessionaire companies servicing their line.

Chief Doctor / Physician (oversees the entire shipboard medical facilities, treatment mostly to passengers and sometimes crew, if required). Current license, extensive experience with cardiac and primary care, trauma, internal, and emergency medicine required. Two to three years in subordinate positions on board ships required. Diploma from an accredited medical school and fluent English Language skills required. Salary range: $4800-6400 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line.

Doctor / Physician ( treatment mostly to crew members and sometimes passengers, if required). Current license, extensive experience with cardiac and primary care, trauma, internal, and emergency medicine required. Diploma from an accredited medical school and fluent English Language skills required. Salary range: $4000-5200 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line. Possibilities for promotion to Chief Doctor.

Registered Nurse (treatment to passengers and crew). Diploma from accredited nursing school with a minimum of two years recent hospital experience required. Experience with cardiac care, trauma, internal medicine and fluent English Language skills required. Salary range: $2200-2900 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line.
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: ana on 20/August/2007

Sto se tice medicinskih sestara jako je tesko ponekad i nemoguce. U Hrvatskoj ne postoji ama bas niko ko radi na njihovom ukrcaju vec direktno miami tj Dr Carlos Gonzalez bar na kompanijama kojima sam ja radila a to su Oceania Cruises,Celebrity,Royal Carib...
Radila sam jos i na Festival cruises koji vise ne postoji to je sada MSC i nemam pojma kako to tamo ide vjerujem preko talijana i Pullmantour koji nebi preporucila ni najgorem neprijatelju (placa radni uvjeti i sve ostalo je shit!!!)

Kad sam se ja ukrcavala na royal imala sam dug put. Kad kazem dug mislim na to da mi je 4 godine trebalo da se ukrcam.
Prvo su mi trazili minimalno godinu dana iskustva na hitnoj pomoci ili intenzivnoj njezi sto sam srecom imala,onda sam morala napravit ispit iz Advanced Cardiac Life Support(ACLS) i Basic Life Support (BLS) bez kojeg nema sanse da se itko ukrca.
Apsurd je sto kod nas ne postoji ni ta mogucnost. A sto kod nas i postoji?
Naime to se polaze negdje u grckoj a ja sam polozila u italiji. E sad kad smo do italije i to cu napomenuti...
U vrijeme kad sam se ja ukrcavala nisu primali med sestre ove nase sa balkana. Kao opekli se sa rumunjima i odjednom opalili embargo,tako da sam morala otic u italiju radit tamo 6 mjeseci i polagat njihov drzavni ispit. Eto tako sam se ja konacno ukrcala.
Sve ovo nije ni bilo tako davno jer sam radila na festivalu, pullmantouru i italiji cekajuci ukrcaj na slavni royal koji mi je upalio prije otprilike 3 godine. Ali svejedno vjerujem da su se uvjeti od tada promjenili. Ja to ne znam jer sad sam sretna majka sa lijepim uspomenama pomorskog zivota.
Sretno svima, brod je ipak jedno lijepo iskustvo ako ga ne shvatite previse ozbiljno
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: CEO on 29/November/2007
Prvi izvor:

Nurses must be registered with at least three years of hospital experience.
They, just like the ship's doctor, are on call twenty-four hours for walk-in 
treatment of passengers' minor aches and pains. They also attend to the crew, accounting for the majority of emergency care that is required on board. Because crew members are the ones working with the ship's equipment, running on slippery decks, lifting heavy trays, and working around hot ovens, they are the ones who succumb to the most accidents.
Knowledge of a second language and Advanced Cardiac Life Support certification is highly desired for nursing positions.
Physicians should have experience with trauma, cardiac care and internal medicine.
Contracts are usually for six months and pay is salary-based.

Drugi izvor:

The medical department of a cruise ship offers the following job positions: Chief Doctor/Physician, Doctor/Physician and Registered Nurse. The department usually consists of one or two doctors and anywhere from one to four nurses depending on the onboard facilities.
Aboard ships doing world cruises or remote itineraries, the need for a full surgical staff and a dentist may be more common.
Medical staff is either hired directly by cruise line medical departments or through concessionaire companies servicing their line.

Chief Doctor/Physician (oversees the entire shipboard medical facilities, treatment mostly to passengers and sometimes crew, if required).
Current license, extensive experience with cardiac and primary care, trauma, internal, and emergency medicine required.
Two to three years in subordinate positions on board ships required.
Diploma from an accredited medical school and fluent English Language skills required.
Salary range: $4800-6400 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line.

Doctor/Physician ( treatment mostly to crew members and sometimes passengers, if required).
Current license, extensive experience with cardiac and primary care, trauma, internal, and emergency medicine required.
Diploma from an accredited medical school and fluent English Language skills required.
Salary range: $4000-5200 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line.
Possibilities for promotion to Chief Doctor.

Registered Nurse (treatment to passengers and crew).
Diploma from accredited nursing school with a minimum of two years recent hospital experience required. Experience with cardiac care, trauma, internal medicine and fluent English Language skills required.
Salary range: $2200-2900 U.S. per month, depending on the cruise line.

Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: CEO on 04/December/2007
Evo konacno odgovora za one koji traze posao medicinara na luksuznim putnickim brodovima.
Pravac u Varnu.

Vrlo informativna stranica kaze:

GAMES PLUS BG is a Bulgarian based company with extensive experience in pre-selection screening and providing the highest quality recruits to luxury cruise ships around the globe. We invite you to spend a few moments discovering how GAMES PLUS BG can assist you...
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: dragonfly on 20/February/2008
Evo ja sam malo pogledala na netu i ima stranica gdje mozes aplicirati direktno po pozicijama.  Vjerujem da ce oni pribliziti mogucnosti, a intervju uvijek mozes odraditi telefonski.
Evo link:

Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: CEO on 20/February/2008
A jesi probao sa ovima iz Varne? Izvidi stvar sa e-mailom ako se bojis nazvati.
Ali prije toga svakako moras rijesiti one certifikate koje traze.
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: Doc on 20/February/2008
Hvala na savjetima. Kaj se tice ovih certifikata ja sam zainteresiran da ih sto prije polozim, ali ne znam gdje se moze uopce polagati. Ak neko zna neka mi javi, ja idem dalje u istrazivanje...

Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: Doc on 21/February/2008
Upravo sam se cuo sa ovim bugarima. Na zalost ne mogu mi pomoci...... ;) ;)
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: CEO on 22/February/2008
Upravo sam se cuo sa ovim bugarima. Na zalost ne mogu mi pomoci...... ;) ;)

zbog cega?
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: Doc on 22/February/2008
Ne znam, kontaktirao sam ih mailom i odgovorili su mi da mi na zalost ne mogu pomoci. S druge strane zvao sam gospodju Suzanu u Rijeku i ona mi je rekla da mi niti ona ne moze pomoci, ali da je cula da na brodove primaju samo americke medicinare. To mi je glupo jer sto je onda sa kompanijama koje nisu americke. Na stranici Norweigian cruisa procitao sam da su otvoreni za sve. Poslao sam im mail, ali se jos ne javljaju. Sve vise gubim nadu da je ovo uopce moguce..... ;D
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: bluedolphin on 22/February/2008
  za doca

             evo pitao sam nasu agenticu, ona zna Minu Yi iz NCL-a  evo njen mail:, ona je HR manager
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: Doc on 22/February/2008
Hvala poslat cu joj mail....  :D
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: dadada on 22/February/2008
Dragi Doc,
evo ti mail jednog naseg covika na Carnivalu, on ti je doduse direktor svih hotelskih operacija za Carnival, zove se Natko Nincevic, to ti je velika faca tamo. Posalji mu mail, moga bi ti on pomoci. A sto se tice EP-a iz Zg, Sinisa ti je njegov vjencani kum, pa cisto sumnjam da ti ne bi moga pomoci da se ukrcas, il bar sa savjetom sta i kako. Da mu ponudis 500 € za to viruj mi pomoga bi ti. Al o tom potom. Poznajem jos neke ljude, probat cu doci do njih. Jedan ti je bas doktor na Carnivalu, iz Beograda je, al zivi u Juznoj Africi, pa ako dodjem do njega. Ima jos nekih... Al istodobno bi ti bilo dobro da probas sa stipendijom za USA, primit ce te odmah. Raspitam se u moje prijateljice, zivi ti posaljem...Puno, puno srece.
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: Doc on 22/February/2008
Hvala puno.... obratiti cu se navedenim osobama pa se javim....... :D
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: CEO on 23/February/2008
Doc, bogati jucer si se poceo raspitivati, i vec "gubis nadu" ...  =""
Nada je jedina stvar koja ti je i potrebna.
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: Doc on 25/February/2008
Danas sam posalo mail gosp. Natku, u njemu sam naveo situaciju i pitao ga za informacije i eventualnu pomoc oko dobivanja posla. Naisao sam na internetu takoder i na stranicu, pa sami njima poslao nekoliko pitanja i svoj CV. Nadam se da ce mi barem netko odgovoriti.

Sefe ma nisam ja izgubio nadu, nego samo se to tako kaze....  b00/

I dalje se nadam, jer sto je covjek bez nade......

Pozdrav svima
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: mihajlo021 on 25/February/2008
Danas sam posalo mail gosp. Natku, u njemu sam naveo situaciju i pitao ga za informacije i eventualnu pomoc oko dobivanja posla. Naisao sam na internetu takoder i na stranicu, pa sami njima poslao nekoliko pitanja i svoj CV. Nadam se da ce mi barem netko odgovoriti.

Sefe ma nisam ja izgubio nadu, nego samo se to tako kaze....  b00/

I dalje se nadam, jer sto je covjek bez nade......

Pozdrav svima

doco nedaj se !!! nada umire poslednja  :pop:
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: francheska on 26/February/2008
samo upornost ljudi
pa ja prvi ugovor chekala
6 meseci
promenila tri godisnja doba ....tako da
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: Doc on 26/February/2008
Evo samo da vas obavjestim, mail koji sam poslao gosp. Natku prosljeden je gosp. Sinisi iz Uspinjace. On me danas zvao i u razgovoru mi diskretno napomenuo da s obzirom da sam kriminalac mi ne moze pomoci, jer kako se sve vrti oko novca i da bi ukoliko nesto "zeznem" na brodu kopali po mojoj proslosti i doveli kompaniju u neugodnost......

Rekao mi je da radije odem raditi u Irak.... tamo trebaju ovakve kao sto sam ja.....

Hvala svima na podrsci, ali izgleda da nema posla za mene.....

Mozda da se ipak vratim kriminalu.... za mene tamo uvijek ima posla,, kada nema legalno.... :000
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: mdino on 27/August/2008
Ljudi ja sam aplicirao preko   nisam mogao vjerovati da sam kroz samo 4 dana primio tel poziv od Tomislava M.Taj covjek radi za tu organizaciju.Jucer sam bio na predrazgovorima u Beogradu (hote Slavija)..i poprilicno sam brzo i kvalitetno zavrsio sve..Gospodin Sinisa koji je tu bio glavni zastupnik mi je samo rekao da sam slobodan i da cu primiti poziv za intervju..

Ovo ljudi pisem tek onako da znate da iako sam se najmanje nadao da ce me pozvati,ipak sam uspio.

Ako vec trazite posao je ono sto trazite...uradite aplikaciju i cekajte na odgovor..

eto toliko od mene...pozelite mi srecu a bogami i ja vama kod trazenja posla... :D

Pozdrav svima...
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: CEO on 27/August/2008
koji posao?  +U+
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: mdino on 19/September/2008
Aplicirao sam za konobara...

Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: CEO on 07/November/2008 (

Exciting Career Opportunities for Doctors at Sea

P&O Princess Cruises International, a Division of Carnival Corp & plc, is a major recruiter of skilled doctors for its fleet of luxury cruise ships sailing worldwide.

Doctors will be required to work within a medical team who provide general and emergency care for a population group up to 4500 people. The ships' medical staff manage a wide variety of emergency medicine and general practice cases within our modern, well equipped medical centres. Clinical cases range from common general practice ailments and occupational health issues to emergencies cases such as acute coronary syndromes, anaphylaxis, trauma, orthopaedic injuries and surgical cases.

Besides the rewards of practicing maritime medicine whilst travelling the world, additional benefits include highly competitive salaries, officer status, and up to four months annual leave. Entry requirements include sufficient experience in emergency medicine and general practice. See job description for more information.

"People expect the very best on our cruises and that includes medical care. We require highly skilled doctors with good experience in emergency medicine and general practice, in order to provide comprehensive, quality, and evidence based healthcare for all our passengers and crew."

Dr Grant Tarling
Chief Medical Officer
P&O Princess Cruises International, a Division of Carnival Corp & plc


COMPANY:P&O Princess Cruises International, a Division of Carnival Corp & plc
DEPARTMENT:Medical Department
LOCATION:Fleet Based Position

Job Description (Abridged):

Provide high standards of both in-patient and out-patient medical care
Undertake on-call duties in addition to routine office hours
Comply with the Company's Health, Safety and Environmental Policies
Represent the Company in a positive manner
Working Conditions:

Medical teams vary in size from between one doctor and two nurses, to two doctors and five nurses
The ships' medical centres consist of: in-patient beds; including at least one critical care ward; consulting rooms, X-Ray room, emergency room, treatment room, laboratory and dispensary
Equipment: defibrillators, external pacemakers, ECG machines, ventilators, cardiac monitoring systems and infusion pumps. Also, wheelchairs, stretchers, spinal boards and immobilization devices
Dispensary: stocked with a comprehensive range of medications including thrombolytics


Broad post graduate experience and proven proficiency in emergency medicine including the management of acute cardiac and medical emergencies, major and minor trauma, intubation and airway management, general practice or other experience in the management of minor medical conditions
Current medical registration approved by the Company in accordance with vessel Flag State requirements
Possession of a valid accredited ALS/ACLS certificate prior to joining a ship
Company approved medical certificate
Eligible for issue of a United States C1/D Visa
Good IT Skills
Fluency in English
Excellent interpersonal, written and verbal communication skills
Self-motivated, practice autonomously, team member
Strong management skills
Commitment to complete at least 2 four month contracts

Salary and Benefits:

Highly competitive salary and remuneration package
Five days of paid Continuing Professional Development per year
Flights to and from country of residence
Single accommodation with en suite facilities
Tours of duty are of approximately four months duration followed by a 4-8 week vacation resulting in approximately 240 days work per year
Access to many of the passenger facilities on board
Spouse and Relative travel concessions after successful completion of a 4 month tour of duty
Pension Benefits
Life Insurance and long term disability insurance
Excellent promotion prospects to Ship's Senior Doctor following consistently good performance reviews and after gaining the necessary experience at sea.

Medical Positions


As a Nurse working on dry land a cruise ship offers you the chance to maintain your career while traveling the world. A happy medium! Cruise lines hire registered nurses with at least two to three years' postgraduate experience in accidents & emergency, intensive care or operating theatre and general healthcare. Most cruise lines employ at least two nurses and Senior Nurse.

Nurses are on call for 24 hours a day and then off duty for the next 24 hours. Nurses may be expected to screen the patients and handle most cases on their own. When applying don't forget to include copies of your certificates, licenses and diploma.


* Diploma from an accredited Nursing School

* At least two years of practice, preferably in an ER/ICU

* Capable to make decisions without superiors around

* Confident in capabilities and able to work independently

Compensation: $2,800- $3,200 a month


Cruise lines hire experienced and fully qualified doctors who are trained in general primary care and emergency cases such as work accidents, cardiac arrest, etc. Doctor's main duty is to take care of both passengers and crew. Doctors should expect to treat seasickness, flu, sunburn, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, work accidents (e.g. minor cuts and burns) and all other emergency cases. Doctors may be also required to inspect the Galley area regarding hygiene. As the ships only doctor you may well be on call 24 hours a day except in certain ports with good emergency facilities. Contracts are usually for six months.


* Diploma from an accredited Medical School

* Previous experience in intensive care, emergency medicine, trauma, cardiac and primary care medicine

* Board Certified

Compensation: $4,800- $7,000 a month
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: CEO on 14/November/2008 (

Job Title:  Medical Positions On Cruise Ships
Type: Permanent
Company: International Cruise Services
Sectors: Cruise Ships Jobs
Job Location:  UK Wide
Job Description:  Medical Positions on board Cruise Ships


Title: Odg: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: ValZgb on 16/October/2009
Oni nemaju farmaceute niti ljekarnu na brodu?
Title: Lijekovi
Post by: CEO on 17/October/2009
Sve lijekove izdaju odmah pri dijagnozi glavni lijecnik i nurse
Title: Odg: Lijekovi
Post by: jana on 21/November/2009
Sve lijekove izdaju odmah pri dijagnozi glavni lijecnik i nurse
Shefe,SVAKA CAST !!!
Forum je  zaista  :-))))
E,sad ,ja sam med.sestra ,imam 29 god.,imam dosta iskustva u svim oblastima medicime...i zaista bih volela da radim na brodu,ali..postoji jedan problem-JEZIK...nije savrsen...Reci mi koliki nivo znanja je potrebno za tu poziciju...?Usput,moja koleginica je bila na brodu i rekla mi je da je potrebno da znas perfekt,dok njena sestra ciji je ovo 4-ti ugovor kaze da nije bas tako i da uglavnom tamo naucis jezik (vrlo dobro) moju koleginicu mislim da ide po principu "da Bog da komsiji crkla krava",i njeni mi saveti malo izdisu ljubomorom....
P.S.Interviju mi ne predstavlja toliki problem koliko sama komunikacija na brodu.....
Title: Odg: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: CEO on 21/November/2009
Mi smo imali rumunjku za nurse, i engleski joj je bio tecan, ali jak akcent, tako da sve je moguce

Daleko od toga da mora biti naj naj, pogotovo za poziciju nurse  +U+
Title: Odg: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: jana on 22/November/2009
Mi smo imali rumunjku za nurse, i engleski joj je bio tecan, ali jak akcent, tako da sve je moguce

Daleko od toga da mora biti naj naj, pogotovo za poziciju nurse  +U+
Hvala shefe,nadam se da cu od sledece god.biti vas kolega   :yahoo: , do tad cu da  :hekla: i usavrsavam jezik...
Title: Odg: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: Seaman on 22/November/2009
Hvala shefe,nadam se da cu od sledece god.biti vas kolega   :yahoo: , do tad cu da  :hekla: i usavrsavam jezik...

Moraces se dobro laktati, ovih rumuna se nakotilo kao ... :pop1:
Kad mogu oni sa, sto ja kazem, ''Trrr, brrr, tarzan '' engleskim, moci ces i ti ! :hekla:
Title: Odg: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: jana on 22/November/2009
Moraces se dobro laktati, ovih rumuna se nakotilo kao ... :pop1:
Kad mogu oni sa, sto ja kazem, ''Trrr, brrr, tarzan '' engleskim, moci ces i ti ! :hekla:,nadam se ,ako zaskripi da zovem tebe ili shefa   :moli:
opsta konverzacija i moze da prodje,ali kad je u pitanju strucni deo......
..da se ne dogodi da mi doktor trazi nesto,a ja da blenem u njega k`o tele,onda mogu da se oT ili da me  :tuctuc:
..salu na stranu,malo sam procitala o ovoj poziciji na brodu,mislim na sama iskustva....tako da jos uvek ne znam kako ,sta,koliko ...iz prve ruke....
Title: Re: Cruise Ship Job - Medical department
Post by: YoungOutlaW on 08/July/2010
Da li ima neko informaciju kakva je mogucnost da se na cruiser ubaci hirurg kao dr.,i gdje bi se mogao javiti?