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Messages - ayrtonsenna

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Kouzon / Re: Kouzon, Skopje, Nis, Krusevac....?
« on: 17/January/2012 »
Posto si iz Srbije, kontaktiraj najblize predstavnistvo u Srbiji.
Ali kada budeš ušao u celu tu priču moraćeš u određenom trenutku da putuješ za Skoplje (ako apliciraš za Royal ili Celebrity, jer konvencija i intervju za ove dve kompanije kompanije je uglavnom u Skoplju) ili Beograd i Budimpeštu (ako apliciraš za Princess, jer je konvencija u zadnje veme uvek bila u BG-u a intervju u Budimu gradu). Sretno!

Evo Facebok-om se širi najnoviji izveštaj sa broda koga je napisala neka žena koja je radila na Costi Concordii kao Guest Services Manager:

Hearing it first hand helps put right all of the rubbish being printed and reported by 'professional journalist'
Ship people will be able to relate to this a bit better than those I know from landlife. Kind of slams the whole thing home. Thoughts? Comments?
Here is an account of the events that followed the Costa Concordia striking a reef and sinking off the coast of Italy on Friday evening...written by the Guest Service Manager Manager of the Concordia, who joined the ship on the 13th of January, presumably in Civitavecchia...thank you, Marsha, for sharing this with me... "Unfortunately I don't have my nametag to photograph, because I lost at sea, along with my camera!
My name is Katia Keyvanian, I am The GSM (Guest Service Manager) embarked on the 13th of January to substitute my colleague on the Concordia.
I can write only a few lines, as I have a train to catch to go home! I would love to be invited by Giletti, Mentana, Vinci and all the other journalists, who without knowledge of the facts and who without verifying their sources, only write nonsense! I wish I could respond to the flood of nonsense and lies that have been said!
But for now, until I can say more I can only say this; 'We evacuated 4000 people in the dark, with the ship inclined on it's side, in less than two hours!
Those who are "incompetent" are not able to do this. It is not true that the captain was first to leave the ship.
I was on the last boat and he remained attached to the railing of deck 3, while the ship was sinking.
Shame on you incompetent journalists who wrote that he was the first to leave! I was on the lifeboat, that was sailing away and about to be crushed by the hoist of the sinking ship, which was about to break through our roof. We pulled a lot of guests into the lifeboat who had ended up in the sea, and as we undressed a girl in wet clothes to cover her with a blanket, a guest filmed us with his phone!
Shame on you! We executed a rescue operation at sea, and as we pulled another gentleman out of the water, me with a rope tied around my wrist for more strength to pull him up, another man was taking pictures!
Shame on you! we had to manage a flock of sheep in jeopardy and then are told that we were incompetent?!
Shame on you! While I was inclined to release people who were pushing and screaming, one by one into the boat, a large man who was obviously a passenger smoked a cigarette. When I asked "What the fuck are you doing smoking a cigarette in this state, in the dark, with fuel that could come out of the boat?!" and his response was "I need it for stress. I have one thing more to add, before I miss my train ......... We worked for the guests, to save them, to take them to safety, if they are saved, it is only thanks to us alone, all the crew, who did everything. We do not want to be thanked, NO, we have only done our duty, but we do not want to hear all the nonsense, lies, and more lies, just to give you the "scoop" of these so called broadcasts.
4000 PEOPLE IN TWO HOURS, IN THE DARK ... with the ship tilted, we took them WE, THE STAFF CONCORDIA TO SHORE.
They did not go themselves in buckets and shovels themselves to the shore! We brought them!! I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the residents of Isola del Giglio, the mayor, who came on board, to verify the situation, (not knowing who he was because he did not have a life jacket!) Thank you with all my heart all, al...l the islanders who worked for all of us, with maximum availability, giving us their colorful blankets, some even knitted of crochet, looking for cell phone chargers, and so much more. Thanks to all of them. Now I'm off to catch a train and go home. See you soon. Oh, I forgot .... one more thing I would like to say "Shame on you!!""

Bar Department / Gde su ro?eni ?uveni kokteli?
« on: 16/December/2011 »
Gde su rođeni čuveni kokteli?
Izvor: B92

Da li je Menhetn zaista potekao sa Menhetna? Odakle je Mohito? Ko je uopšte bio Tom Kolins? Da li je Mai Tai stvarno sa Havaja?
Kokteli su vremenom postali deo istorije i literarne kulture, često zaštitni znak onoga koji ih je rado pio.

Zabava / Re: Muzika ;)
« on: 15/December/2011 »

Hvala na odgovoru! Nisam uopste imao neku predstavu da 'cak i tamo' ima tih situacija.

Zamisljam samo scenu kad bi zaposlili ove nase celavce sto rade po klubovima i splavovima umesto ovih mucenih filipincana...  :neceici:

Tema je ozbiljna, ali blizi se nova godina pa moram da upadnem sa ovom za*****ancijom iz komedije "2 sata kvalitetnog programa":


Evo ti linkovi sa temama o minimalnoj starosnoj dobi

Za ostalo citaj forum :tuctuc:

@ Tsunami1984

Zahvaljujem na iscrpnim izvestajima, ali nisi napisao najglavnije: dovodis li u Bosnu neko snajče: Meksikanku, Brazilku, Dominikanku, itd...?

@ Letis Dufe
Evo jos jedan oglas za seasonal youth staff:

Kouzon  Seasonal Youth Staff for NCL .

Requirements are as before :

Male or Female , presentable, polite, outgoing , good communication skills, creative and positive personalities. Excellent command of English language.

They should have experience in some sort of youth camps, mini clubs , or experience as a teacher,

Diploma of finished faculty for education in education is NOT A MUST.

Working Conditions:

Contract Length : 2- 3 months ( from Feb – to April )
Salary: 1000$
Accommodation and food : provided in cabin for 3or 4 people , 3 full meals
All expenses are refundable after joining the ship.
No commission charge.
aplikacii na

Društvene Teme / Re: Kako zamisljate Sefa foruma
« on: 13/November/2011 »
Evo ga:

 :D :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

neko je vec postavio ranije negde na forumu, ali moram opet:

Eto zasto je Princess bolji (ne govorim o samoj prirodi posla jer jos cekam ukrcaj (verujem da je slicno), vec govorim o ustedi): Princess placa kartu u oba smera, koliko ja znam nisu potrebni nikakvi depoziti za karte, itd... A fala bogu da u Srbiji nije obavezna prijava doprinosa i ostalih dazbina za pomorce, tako da to bitno menja sliku o zaradi u usporedbi sa radnicima Carnivala. Kad se sve sabere, ustedi se par hiljada dolara, to svakako nije za bacanje.

U Nishu!  :hmm:


U kojoj ustanovi? Dom zdravlja? Klinički centar?

Jao mamu im.... ::bin-laden::

Ovo je izvandredan clanak koji je napisan bez uvijanja i ulepsavanja, i zato svaka cast :uzdravlje:

Društvene Teme / Re: Fakultet i Cruiser
« on: 24/October/2011 »


Naišao sam na netu na neke zanimljive diskusije oko otvaranja računa u inostranstvu za građane Srbije (a prijatelji iz Hrvatske mi kažu da je i tamo sličan zakon). Navodno, ako bi se sve radilo po zakonu, mi nemamo pravo da otvorimo račun u inostranoj banci    Po ovome, rezident Srbije - fizičko . lice koje nema radnu i boravišnu dozvolu na duže od godinu dana ne može imati devizni račun u inostranstvu. U slučaju da otvoriš račun bez dozvole Narodne Banke Srbije činiš prekršaj (novčana kazna od 50 EU do 5000 EU), a može da bude i krivična ako ne prijaviš prihod za naplatu poreza u Republici Srbiji. A ima tu još gomila ograničavajućih gluposti. Recimo, samo ljudi koji su na studijama u inostranstvu, ili za troškove boravka po osnovu lečenja u inostranstvu, ili za neke istraživačke svrhe, specijalne namene...itd. Zatim, posle godinu dana morate ugasiti račun i uneti novac natrag u zemlju, gde će biti oporezovan.
Ono što želim da pitam članove foruma jeste da li je neko od vas nailazio na ovaj problem ili se ovo može zaobići?

Evo ja dobio na poklon slip-resistant shoes, pa sam postavio ovaj prospekt koji sam dobio uz njih, cisto da bi neko od veterana rekao da li su OK ili ne:

Ovakve u Srbiji kostaju 58 EU, a nasao sam u Merkatoru da je to cena sa snizenja, inace su kostale neverovatnih 110 EU  ""]]

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