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Messages - Vava

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Dear Crew


We hope you and your beloved ones are in good health and find ways forward in these challenging times.

Although the circumstances in Europe slowly improve and the lockdown measures are gradually reducing country by country, it is clear that at the moment river cruising is not an option. That is why we inform you that yesterday we communicated the decision that we suspend our European River Cruises till end of August.


Although we are very keen to kick-off the season and get you all back to work to bring wonder to our guests, we will only do so when we believe we can operate in a safe manner for our crew and guests. We will not compromise on that.


We are increasingly positive we might be able to operate to our standards as of September, but do also acknowledge that most of the markets our guests come from have strict travel restrictions in place beyond September that will limited our guests to travel. This could prevent us to operate, and if we will be able to operate then probably not the whole fleet.


Sincerely, and hoping that our optimism will be confirmed later this year.

Scenic je otkazao sve do 31.08 jutros mi stigao mail  :waiting:

Mail je bio inace ogroman, nisam kopirala sve samo ono sto je vezano za sam početak sezone i razloge zasto oni konkretno ne placaju nista. Ovo ostalo je bilo bla bla i nevazno za samu temu.

Dear Crew Member,
Over the past few days, many of you have reached out to us to share your disappointment
about the cancellation of your contract and the financial support provided by the company.
We sincerely understand and share this disappointment as we all have worked hard to be ready
for the season and bring wonder to our guests. Together we would have done an amazing job.
The hard reality is that the European River Cruise (following ERC) season is officially
suspended until end of June and, although we aim to operate in July, we must recognize there
is a chance we will not be able to operate this season at all.
Yesterday we had a constructive meeting with a group of crew representatives, with whom we
shared and discussed our reasoning for the cancellation, our outlook of the rest of the season
and why the company did not roll out the Short-term work program for its crew.
In the attached Frequently Asked Questions, we have tried to capture the key points that were
discussed. We want all of you to have a true and full understanding of the facts. We encourage
you to read it carefully and if you are still not sure about any aspect of the situation or if you
need any explanation clarified, we urge you to reach out to us (
or your crew representatives.
We are fully aware that our decision to cancel your seasonal contracts is heartfelt and impactful
for you and your families. These decisions were not easy decisions and are made with a heavy
We recognize that this affects the trust you have in us. At same time we do hope you understand
our reasoning behind these difficult decisions. We must ensure our ability to offer all of you your
jobs back once this pandemic recedes and we can resume normal operations with the confidence
that we can protect the safety and health of our guests and crew.
Although it may not feel like this at this moment, we want you to know that we strongly believe
you are at the core of our success, you are the ones that bring wonder to our guests, and we
would be extremely pleased to welcome you back on board when it is safe to do so.
We can only hope that solutions to the COIVD-19 crisis come fast and we can open our doors
and go back to what we all worked so hard for so long to achieve – a great experience for our
guests with the best of the best crew.
Together we will come out stronger!

Izdvojila sam i ovo -

Why did Scenic not roll-out the short-term work to its crew that held Swiss contracts?
There are several reasons for this. The main is that under the ‘short-term work program’ the
company still must carry the costs for the Pension fund, private health insurance, and compulsory
Swiss Social security contributions (OASI, UVI and accident insurance). Depending of the position
salary and family situation, this is a per person cost ranging from EUR 250 – 450. By law, the
company cannot waive these costs, even if the employee asked us to do so.
Although above is the main reason, we also recognized that our application for ‘short-term work’
was approved based upon the wrong submission. Our submission stated that our crew had active
seasonal contracts, but at that time all contracts had been cancelled. This could potentially create a
legal liability.
We also had to anticipate that COVID-19 might affect our business beyond the 2020 ERC season –
whether due to a lengthened shutdown order, a resurgence of the COVID-19 virus in the fall, or the
inability for the health industry to be able to come up with suitable treatments and/or vaccines. We
cannot take that level of risk to our finances. Again, we truly know this impacts you, our crew, in the
most difficult manner. But It is important that we not make decisions that can jeopardize the future
of a business that we all hope to be part of for many years to come.
7. Other cruise companies are paying their crew while Scenic is not – can you explain?
Every company, just like every person, is in a different situation, has a different outlook and
therefore makes different decisions. We cannot speak to what other companies are doing, their
plans or their ability to weather the long term affect the COVID-19 shut down may have on them. At
the end of the day, we try to make the right decisions for the future of the company we can with the
information we have – at that time.
8. When will the season start and should I wait on this?
For the moment, we have suspended our cruises until the end of June, and we are continuously
monitoring the situation. Although we are hoping to operate as of July, we must be realistic that with
the current restrictions in place and the many different governments involved, doing so is in doubt.
Unless some level of accurate screening exists for COVID-19 and consumer confidence to travel
comes at a faster pace than currently expected, we believe there is a chance the season could be
over before it started.
We cannot give you any guarantees at when cruising starts. Therefore, although we would love to
have you back on board, we advise you to make the necessary decisions and take the needed
steps to ensure you can financially take care of yourself and beloved ones during these uncertain
times. We will keep you informed as we learn more about what is possible and would greatly
appreciate if you would do the same to us – keep us updated on your own plans.

Ne uspevam da okacim sliku mail-a ne znam zasto, ali rado cu u inbox proslediti info koji sam ja dobila direktno od scenica

Da doprinesem i ja malo temi. Info za Scenic - nama je stigao mail da nema nista od para, Swiss vlada im je odobrila refund of 80% ali kompanija se izjasnila da ni tih 20% nemaju da plate za crew. I dalje ih ljudi turiraju mejlovima I pokusavaju da ih bukvalno namole da daju makar bonus koji nam dodju od prosle godine ali mrka kapa. Burazer je presao ove godine u Viking iako bukvalno nije ni poceo da radi za njih, stigao mu je mail da ce dobiti 80% plate.  Nama je za sada samo receno da do jula nema nista od kruzeva. Scenic je cak, danas otpustio sav nautical crew. Tako da, ne znam sta da kazem. Samo se nadam da nismo skroz pukli za ovu sezonu.

Pozdrav svima, primljena sam na GP pre par dana, iako sam u razgovoru rekla da sam za svaki slucaj zakazala termin za vizu za 17. maj, najranije sto je bilo dostupno, iako u tom trenutku nisam ni znala da ce me primiti, oni mi danas salju mail sa ugovorom i garantnim pismo i tu vidim da je ukrcaj 15. maja. I sada ne znam sta mi je ciniti, da li da pisem kompaniji da mi je razgovor za vizu tek 17. maja ili da cimam ambasadu. Iako sumnjam da ambasadu boli uvo da mi izlazi u susret i odobri raniji termin. Bas sam se iznervirala i sad mi je frka da me ne otkaci kompanija zbog toga, ne znam sta da radim

G&P / Prvi intervju sezona 2019
« on: 26/March/2019 »
Izvinjavam se u startu ako samduplirala vec postojecu temu. Sef neka reaguje.

Elem, nikada se nisam interesovala za rad na brodu, burazer je vec dugo u tome i natera me da se prijavim direktno kompaniji. Posaljem ja njima cv, malo nalazem iskustva, ali uz validne pecate i preporuke da sam radila po hotelima i kao sobarica, na recepciji, ocekivala sam da cu proci. Nisam slagala nista samo za trenutni posao koji radim, upravnik sam poslovne zgrade u kojoj radi vise it firmi pa sam ja nadlezna za resavanje svih sranja vezano za struju, net, ventilacione sisteme, sigurnosne brave bl bla... muski posao ali izmedju ostalog radim u racunovodstvu iste firme, i ujedno sam i asistent generalnom, kod mene u firmi me zovu zena za sve i svasta. Na brod idem zbog kesa, ne da ganjam poziciju, pa mi je malo glupo sto sam mozda lagala za tu recepciju kad bi meni bilo ok i da sam u hkp.

Sta da ocekujem od pitanja i kako da se pripremim, zakazan mi je skajp intervju sa nekom Lisom za 6 dana. Jel da se ne pravim puno pametna ili da forsiram pricu da samo hocu da budem hkp i to je to ? Engleski mi je odlican

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