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01.11.2013 Beograd Los Angles Golden Princess

poz svima ... kad pitaju iz agencije kad si spreman da ides posle koliko dobijes datum ...?

Bar Department / pitanja za bar ultiliti
« on: 19/March/2013 »
Poz svima ako neko moze da napise kakva pitanja postavljaju za poziciju bar ultiliti puno bi mi znacilo .........hvala unapred

Predstavljanja / ZNA LI KO STA O OVOME UBISTVU ?
« on: 01/March/2013 »

A 24-year-old woman was found dead onboard a cruise ship docked in the port of Darwin, Australia. The Police Commander Richard Bryson of the Crime and Specialist Support Command stated that the woman's body, who was a staff member was found in her cabin.

“The cruise ship is currently docked in Darwin Harbour," Mr. Bryson said .

"A crime scene was established as the investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident continue."

No further details about the identity of the young woman or about the name of the cruise ship are released.

1.What’s your full name?
2.Where are you from?
3.Tell me about the city where you grew up.
When and where were you born?
4.Tell me about your family.
5.What do you do in your free time?
6.Tell me about your boy/girl friend/best friend.
7.How old are you?
8.Tell me about your education.
How long did you go there?
What did you learn?
Why did you choose this job?
9.What do you do?=What’s your job?
Where do you work?
How often do you work?
How many people work there?
How long have you worked there?
What kind of food do they have?
(za konobare u restoranu, pozicije: assistant buffet steward, buffet steward, junior waiter, waiter)
Tell me about the menu.Describe in detail…
2hot starters
2cold starters
2main courses
What exactly is that? What is in this?
What kind of wine do they have?
(za barmene i konobare u baru)
Tell me and describe 3 red and 3 white wines.
What brands of vodka/tequila/French liquers/whiskies/gin/beer are you familiar with?
What kind of cocktails do they have?
Tell me and describe 2 cocktails.
Where did you work before this job?
Why did you leave this job?
Have you had any other jobs? If yes, tell me about them.
Altogether, how many years experience do you have as a waiter/waitress?
Why do you want to work on the ship?
What are your plans and goals for the future?
How long have you been learning English? Where did you last study English?
What did you learn during the training?

Predstavljanja / crnogorac
« on: 23/February/2013 »
E da vas i ja pozdravim ako ja uspijem poci na brod svako ce.Ja u skoli nisam ucio Engleski a iskreno da vam kazem nisam imao ni kad jer su me iz 6 osnovne izbacili jer su vidjeli pametni ljudi da nisam za skolu ::bin-laden::.Posle ka svaki posteni coek kupio 6.7.8 razred a i srednju da nisam neobrazovan da se djeca sprdaju samnom aeee kako da ne . Aplicirao sam za Assistant Waitera prosao marlin brzo ce mi interviju, ucim .....Sam sebi smjesan ali ajde dako bude ok ....... Platu sto treba da zaradim na brodu trosio sam za dva dana cesto i za jednu noc ali neka kako dosle tako i posle,imam 30 god puno sam putovao svasta radio bio sam i kralj a i prosac kad sam ostao bez para u Italiju~~~ sinjore,sinjorina del ma lore~~~    ="" bio sam Italija,Njemacka,Francuska,Belgija,Poljska,Bugarska,Grcka,Turska,Kina......zadnji posao sto sam radio vratio me je 66 godina unazad haha,smisljao sta dalje dje kako,da se vratim starom zanatu ne mogu ne zbog mene,,vise nisam ja u pitanju imam moja dva anjela uglavnom sam im stvorio krov nad glavom da ne razmisljaju placat kiriju ::yes::,cuh se sa jednim drugom on radio na brod objasni mi pola sata sto i kako  i odlucih da podjem,eng sve razumijem ali slabije pricam ,umijem biti razna lacnost zavisi kako dje treba.Pozitivno sam najaci ludak tako da moreplovci ove godine kunem vam sed u sve vidimo se na cruiseru  :plovim:.................. kad se ukrcam pisem vam malo vise o svemu,jer ovaj forum zasluzuje da mu se oduzimo sa svojim iskustvima  

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