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Topics - Shark

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SeaChefs / Stand by sezona 2015.?
« on: 24/March/2015 »
Ima li kakvih novosti o famoznim Stand by ugovorima 2015., ljudima su obecavali da im ugovori krecu vec od 20.03. i dok su na cekanju da ce dobiti placenu osnovicu, no koliko vidim nitko ih jos nije ni vidio niti potpisao, ili se varam...  :rtfm:

G&P / G&P Board ABC
« on: 20/February/2015 »
G&P abeceda ili osnove poslovanja....

Board ABC

Allergies and other intolerance e.g. to medication must be registered with the hotel manager immediately.
Arrival at the Ship Please arrive on time and do not forget to bring your passport and any other required documents as stipulated by the G&P HR Department.
You will be welcomed on board by your line manager and carefully introduced to your tasks and responsibilities.

Best of G&P - Employee of the Year
At the end of each year, one employee of the G&P Group will be named Employee of The Year.
 For an employee to be honored with this award he:
- must have continuously displayed exceptional professional and personal achievement each year
- have shown outstanding dedication and commitment
- be recognized and appreciated by his team and supervisors.

The nomination will be published in the partner newsletter and the winner will be announced complete with a photo in the G&P Group Christmas mailing.
As a prize, the winner can look forward to a bonus of one month's salary that will be paid in December.
Best of Team Should a staff member provide exceptional service he may be named Best of Team by the hotel manager.
Hi will receive a cash bonus of EUR 150.00 and his photograph will be displayed together with praise for his outstanding work on a wall in a public room for all to see until the next staff member is selected.
Candles / Smoking in the Cabin
Certainly candlelight is romantic. But please understand that it is strictly prohibited to use candles in the cabin. For safety reasons, smoking in the cabin is also strictly prohibited.

Clothing / Underwear
Please be sure that your clothes are always clean and tidy and your shirt / blouse and your trousers / skirt have been ironed. Please make sure that you always wear a white undershirt with short sleeves beneath your shirt / blouse. Ladies are to wear stockings under their skirts. The dress code is to be strictly adhered to and variations such as a black or colored bra under a white blouse, headband, etc. are not permitted Gentlemen are to wear black socks. You can wash your personal laundry on board. A washing machine is available for the crew in the laundry room.

You will receive separate instructions on this subject during the G&P training.
The general rule is: Listen to the guest / hear them out Solve the problem / follow up Take their concerns seriously .. Do not argue- the customer is always right

Confidentiality / Discretion
Just as we treat your personal matters with confidentiality, we expect you to also not disclose any business dealings to customers and other third parties.
These include for example internal matters such as revenue, purchasing guidelines, yields, earnings, and internal personnel matters, etc.
Consumption of Alcohol Drugs Consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited during working hours. Furthermore, it is strictly prohibited to report for duty when under the influence of alcohol or to consume or any drugs.
Staff members not complying with this order will be dismissed immediately. If you have an addiction, please contact your superior immediately.
We reserve the right to conduct alcohol f drug test subject to reasonable suspicion.

Cabin You will be living in state-of-the-art, multiple bed cabins with en-suite shower / toilet, TV / radio, etc. We ask you to treat the furnishings as if they were your a.m.
Please make sure to always keep your cabin dean and orderly. Cleaning materials are provided by the housekeeping staff. Perishable foods are not to be stored in your cabin.
Board meals are also not to be eaten in the cabins. You are responsible for disposing of your waste and complying with the waste provisions on board.
You can have your sheets and bath towels changed regularly according to the agreement with the housekeeper. The ship management reserves the right to check cabins without prior notice.
We recommend that you do not keep substantial amounts of cash in the cabin. In case of loss neither G&P nor RD Cruise Services Limited nor the tour operator will assume liability.
Cash and other valuables can be deposited with the hotel manager.

Crew Show
The crew show is a fixed part of our service that we offer on most ships. Together with your colleagues, you will entertain the guests with your talents.
Currency The main currency on board is the EURO.

Duty to Report
Immediately report any observation and/or incident that might affect the security of the ship and the passengers to your head of department / hotel managed

Embarkation / Disembarkation
Please ensure that you have been precisely informed as to embarkation and disembarkation procedures for the guests and for which tasks you are responsible.
The guests' first and last impression of you and the ship are very important
End of Season I New Season The end of the season basically means the end of your employment contract. If you enjoyed working with us (and the feeling is mutual) we will be happy to have you back for the next season: Our HR team will contact you duly on board.

G&P / G&P Uniform regulations
« on: 20/February/2015 »
Uniform regulations - Bartender-Bar Steward

G&P / G&P Flyer
« on: 20/February/2015 »
Osnovne informacije o kompaniji iz sluzbenog G&P flyera.....

Uniworld / Naknada za nezaposlene u Svicarskoj
« on: 07/May/2014 »
Obzirom da od ove sezone radimo za Uniworld zanima me, ako netko ima vise informacija, jedna stavka vezana uz naknadu za nezaposlene, posto vidim u ugovoru da kompanija uplacuje Unemployment benefits (ALV), a u Benefit sheetu navode sljedece:

"Swiss Unemployment Insurance
Covers allowances in case of unemployment. Due to bilateral agreements, benefits from the ALV can also be claimed in other European Countries."

Po mojem razumjevanju to je ista stvar kao i naknada za nezaposlene kod nas i uspio sam iskopati da za ostvarivanje 70% place za vrijeme nezaposlenosti trebas prijaviti se na njihovu "burzu", imati 12mjeseci rada u zadnje dvije godine, aktivno traziti posao, slicno kao kod nas u Hr....

E sad, moje pitanje je sto mislite mozemo li mi to ostvariti za period izmedu dvije sezone, tj. mislite li da je moguce tih 3-4 mjeseca ostvarivati tu naknadu za nezaposlene, obzirom da nam firma od place uplacuje u taj fond za slucaj nezaposlenosti, to mi se cini kao realna varijanta?

Mala inside informacija, trenutno traze konobara i sobaricu za MS Switzerland, uvjet znanje njemackog jer su gosti Svicarci i Njemci, koga zanima vise moze pm

Nimalo cudno, samo mislim i ne bas tako jednostavno provesti kako ljudi misle  :money:
Job Fair Canada u Zagrebu

Hotel Central, Branimirova 3, Zagreb
26, 27 i 28 kolovoz od 12 do 19 sati.

Prisutni poslodavci iz Kanade! Zaposlite se odmah!
Hitno tražimo skladištare s iskustvom, veći broj djelatnika/ca.
U organizaciji Concessum i Global Hire Canada

Potrebna zanimanja:
skladištari+upravljenje viličarem, građevinski radnici, bravari, stolari, soboslikari, monteri suhe gradnje, fasaderi, zavarivači, mehaničari za kamione i vozači kamiona C+E.
Obavezno znanje engleskog jezika.

Nisam nasao iskustva pomoraca sa ovom agencijom, ili bar nisam dobro gledao  :facepalm: , pa vas molim info ako je netko suradivao sa njima  :uzdravlje:


Moze li netko od veterana na rijecnim brodovima uploadati trening materijale za neke od ovih pozicija (preko Shefa na, puno bi znacilo  :moli:

Shefe molim te uskoci ako imas sto na ovu temu ali za rijecne cruisere  :uzdravlje:

Pozdrav svima, zna li itko kakva je situacija oko placanja doprinosa u HR kod rada na rijecnim brodovima....

Ovako, obzirom da je meni zenu na prekooceanskom zakacio taj zakon kada smo prvi put isli na brod, agencija ju je prijavila luckoj kapetaniji (jer je po zakonu obvezna) i uredno je dobivala uplatnice, tako da je nakon prvog ugovora imala dug drzavnom proracunu cca 1600Eur :pad: za 10mj doprinosa.

Platili smo i nije vise prijavljivala ukrcaj kasnije pa vise nismo imali taj problem, ali me zanima kako je sada sa rijecnim, obzirom da kao prvo placamo sami sebi odredene iznose u druge oblike pension plana (nemamo bas povjerenja u HR mirovinski sustav), a drugo koliko sam shvatio na rijecnima odredene kompanije placaju doprinose u svojoj maticnoj zemlji, tako da nikako ne zelim placati jos i namet smradova iz HR za penziju od 1500kn kao moji nakon 40 godina rada :facepalm:

Hvala na info  :uzdravlje:

Predstavljanja / Povratak na plutajuce limenke
« on: 13/June/2013 »
Evo nakon malo vise od dvije godine na brodu i obilaska cijele Sj. i Juzne Amerike, te jos dvije kod kuce i standardnog posla u komercijali u Hrvatskoj (citaj od 8:00 do 20:00h, od pon do sub, za sitne pare) uhvatila me ideja ponovo otici na brod.

Samo ovaj put ako idem biti ce to Europa, i iskljucivo u paru sa suprugom  :party:, pa sam se poceo raspitivati o rijecnim brodovima, vidim nesto informacija postoji ali isto tako svi su savjeti iz prve ruke dobro dosli, ja cu naravno kao i pred nekoliko godina ovdje na forum izbaciti sve informacije do kojih dodem u procesu.  :uzdravlje:

Svi koji su prosli pricu sa agencijama sjetit ce se ovog videa  :uzdravlje:

Gift Shop Department / Invermore Shipping LTD, Koper
« on: 20/January/2009 »
Invermore Shipping LTD

Koper, Slovenija

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