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Messages - iza-oblaka

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Royal Caribbean / Re: kako je na royal caribbean
« on: 24/February/2010 »
ne znam odgovoriti na tvoja pitanja pa ces morati pricekati nekog iskusnijeg, ali me samo zanima koja agencija ti nudi za royal posao? hvala

pozz ekipa,
zanima me koliko puta godisnje su u ep intervjui za određene agencije. dolaze li npr. iz carnivala, royala i drugih jednom godisnje, dva, tri puta? kako to ide?

Bok Nadya,
ja govorim iste jezike kao i ti, isto sam na Filozofskom fakultetu..
Na nekoj temi (mislim pod predstavljanja-social host) sam stavila opis international ambassador pa pogledaj ako te zanima.
Ja mislim da je ta pozicija kao stvorena za nas jezičare.
Pozdrav ;)

Fotografije i video zapisi sa kruzera / Re: Crew Tours
« on: 11/February/2010 »
kako super...pravi odmor za dušu i tijelo, naravno ako se stigne...

Predstavljanja / Re: Social Host
« on: 27/January/2010 »
Sorry, kriva sam  :)
Mislila sam da se radi o istoj poziciji... Pardon!

Predstavljanja / Re: Social Host
« on: 27/January/2010 »
Evo, i ja sam pronašla nekoliko opisa ovog radnog mjesta jer i mene ovo posebno zanima.
Ako sam dobro shvatila, na nekim brodovima se ova pozicija zove (international)host, a na drugima international ambassador.

"Position: International Host                                                               
Position Summary:               
This position will also provide specific language assistance and translation to non-English and international speaking guests in order for them to understand and
enjoy all aspects of the cruise experience.
As a support role within Guest Services, this position lends assistance to the
permanent international ambassador where and when needed, and as deemed
necessary by the Guest Services Manager.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
In accordance with company standards , each employee conducts oneself in a professional and courteous manner at all times. This applies to physical and verbal interactions with guests or fellow shipboard employees and/or in the presence of guest contact and crew areas.
Assist with the International program throughout all service related departments onboard the ship. This includes and is not limited to: Provide consecutive or simultaneous interpretation services for guests requiring language assistance.
Must demonstrate a strong  written command of the applicable languages to provide assistance with translations of a variety of documents and communications for guests; including the daily Cruise Journal, letters and other collateral materials.

Also assists with translations for all other departments when foreign language translation is needed onboard. Review and ensure the accuracy of collateral materials and coordinate the distribution of in-stateroom materials with the Housekeeping department and all in-language.

Translate announcements over the public announcement system. Serve as host
and/or translator for any type of event or activity with a large number of non-English speaking guests. This includes but is not limited to, the Welcome Aboard Show, Farewell Show, Cruise Staff Cocktail Shows, out island activities, charters, affinity, promotional, incentive, presentations, and various theme night arrangements.
Assist the International Ambassador onboard answering inquiries, offering
suggestions, and providing descriptive literature in various languages pertaining
to shore excursions, onboard activities, entertainment, etc.

Escort guests on shore excursion tours to assist non-English speaking guests. Utilize opportunity to socialize with guests and available for guest assistance. Assist guests
with immigration and customs procedures and forms, aspects of Customs and Immigration during the embarkation and debarkation process.

Conduct individual or group presentations to international guests regarding the departure and arrival procedures. Disseminates information, directs and escorts
guests to staterooms and or exits. May provide translation for Customs and Immigration Officers. Must practice sound and prudent business sense and
high professional ethics at all times.
Maintains guests’ confidence and protects organization reputation by keeping guest
and company information confidential.
Perform any duties as set forth by the Guest Services Manager, such as working the
Guest Services desk, liaising with guests, assisting with any established procedures within the Guest Services division and actively providing support as the business
needs dictate.
Hiring requierements:
Ability to speak read and write clearly, distinctly and cordially English, plus at least three additional languages such as Spanish, Italian, French, German or Portuguese. Additional  language mix may also be one of the following: Japanese, Korean, Finnish, Swedish, Danish, Chinese and Russian. A language proficiency test may be required

Ability to read and write English, plus at least two additional languages stated above,
in order to understand and interpret written procedures. This includes the ability to
give and receive instructions in written and verbal forms and to effectively present information and respond to questions from guests, supervisors and co-workers

Ability to pay close attention to detail.

Working knowledge of computers with e-mail and business related software
packages such as word processing and spreadsheet applications, knowledge to
operate all office equipment and ability to perform basic math functions with
regard to product and service pricing.

Minimum two years front of house managerial/operational experience in a hotel, cruise line or hospitality industry related field preferred or Bachelor’s degree in hospitality management, business administration or related field from an accredited college, university or the international equivalent preferred.

Flexibility to manage change and ability to work positively and cooperatively in a
diverse team environment to meet overall established timeframes for the Guest Services division operation.

Should harbor a flexible outlook towards placement throughout the fleet, considering changing fleet-wide operational business needs."

Opis s jedne druge internet stranice:

"Cruise Ship Host and Hostess Jobs
As a member of the cruise staff, hosts and hostesses are constantly in the public eye.
They often serve as the mouthpiece for the ship, greeting passengers as they board and disembark, while providing news or updates about the ships events and upcoming activities.
In addition to greeting passengers, hosts and hostess responsibilities can include leading shore excursions, giving port talks, arranging parties, attending social events, helping long lines disembark from board the ship, spreading news among guests, answering questions and helping guests with small tasks.
Host jobs often include duties like cleaning the area of the ship you are hosting in, and making sure activities like boarding the ship go smoothly.
Hosts and hostesses also need to be knowledgeable about the cruise ship in general so they can answer questions and help guests with any number of needs. While being a host or hostess might seem like an easy job, people in this position are often the first and last thing clients see when attending a lecture or ship activity and therefore hosts are required to be friendly, outgoing, helpful and warm.
Because so much of the work involved is people-oriented, it is recommended when applying for these positions to stress public relations job experience or education.
While experience working in PR won't guarantee you a position on a cruise ship as a host or hostess, it will likely increase your chances and give you valuable experience to draw from while working. Host and hostess jobs often encompass a lot of other responsibilities.
Therefore it is common for hosts and hostesses to end up working in new or challenging areas onboard a ship as demand changes.
While hosting jobs on a cruise ship are a great entry-level cruise ships jobs for social people, it is also a very upwardly mobile position as well.
For example, a host might end up with some responsibilities given by the cruise director, or help introduce acts during nightly stage performances.
Salary will vary depending on experience, scope of responsibilities, and the ship you are stationed with. Hosts and hostesses usually receive tips from pleased guests as well. "

Društvene Teme / Re: Fakultet i Cruiser
« on: 22/January/2010 »
Jako dobra tema...
Isto sam jos studentica, do lipnja ću završiti...
Sve što sam ovdje ili negdje drugdje na internetu pročitala je uglavnom (u 90% slučajeva) vrlo pozitivno i zato sam i sama odlučila otići čim budem mogla.
S obzirom da volim putovati, učiti strane jezike i da nisam prenostalgična, ovo mi se čini kao idealan posao za mene. Također, čini mi se da je stanje u Hr danas takvo da mladi ljudi teško dobivaju priliku da se dokažu, ako uopće i dobiju posao, a kao što su mnogi već napisali na ovome forumu, brod je idealno mjesto za napredovanje, naravno, ako se pokažeš kao kvalitetan radnik.
Eto, mislim da nitko ne može ništa izgubiti ako proba... Svatko može odustati kad god poželi ukoliko smatra da to nije posao za njega.
i, vidimo se možda negdje jednom na nekom "brodiću" :)


evo imam pitanje za sve veterane: koliko vam je drustveni zivot trpio nakon sto ste se vratili s broda? ono, vjerojatno ste se cesto ili kad biste stigli culi s prijateljima, ali se vjerojatno i puno toga promijeni u tih 6 ili 8 mjeseci sto niste bili doma...jeste li se previse otudjili od drugih? jeste li mislili da vise ne pripadate grupi ljudi s kojima ste si prije bili super? eto, zanimaju me vasa misljenja i iskustva...

Glavni Interview / Odg: Interview
« on: 06/January/2010 »
vjerojatno nera misli na ove razine znanja A1,A2, B1,B2, C1,C2.

Predstavljanja / Odg: koji posao?
« on: 05/January/2010 »
hvala na odgovorima..
samo me jos zanima sefe kolika je placa otprilike na tim pozicijama i koliko variraju place u odnosu na razlicite brodove? vidjela sam na nekoj stranici da je za poziciju international ambassador placa oko 2100$ na royal-u... kako stoje stvari kod carnivala i drugih?

Engleski/strani jezik / Odg: Engleski - može pomo??
« on: 04/January/2010 »
nera dobro kaze, okruzi se svim i svacim na engleskom, uci ce ti uho ovak il onak..
evo ti jos jedna stranica, mozda ce ti biti od pomoci:

i da, ja sam kao klinka uvijek sa sobom pricala na stranom jeziku, kaj god bih radila. valjda mi zato jezici idu. mozda to i tebi pomogne, pricaj o onome sto radis sam sa sobom, zamisljaj si neki razgovor s bilo kim, postavljaj si pitanja i odgovaraj na njih (naravno, krenut ces od jednostavnih, ali probaj odgovarati svaki put sto opsirnije na pitanja, ne samo yes ili no).

ak ti treba bilo kaj pomoci, samo se javi.

Predstavljanja / Odg: koji posao?
« on: 02/January/2010 »
javit cu se agenciji (EP-u) pa da me imaju u bazi. iako, vidjela sam da sad u veljaci imaju intervju za seabourn, ali kao sto sef kaze, vjerojatno je prerano. a na royalu sam vidjela da imaju mjesto za international ambassador, to mi se cini super...a valjda ce svega toga biti i kad diplomiram, can't wait! :)

Predstavljanja / koji posao?
« on: 02/January/2010 »
evo i mene s pitanjem..

govorim tecno 3 strana jezika (engleski, spanjolski i francuski), njemacki malo slabije. zanima me posao u hotel departmentu- language ambassador, hotel hostess ili purser, pa me zanima gdje da apliciram buduci da nemam iskustva do sada u radu u hotelu. diplomirat cu najkasnije do lipnja i tad bih otisla na cruiser.
je li rano vec sada se prijaviti u agenciju? svjesna sam napornog rada i nemam s tim nikakvih problema, spremna sam na ucenje i stjecanje novih iskustava.

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