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Messages - iza-oblaka

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Cini se da je meni ovo mjesec intervjua, prijavila se ja i na Moby, poslala Suzy sve dokumente koje je trazila pa cemo vidjeti...
Ako je stvarno sve ovako kako pise, onda mi se to vise isplati od Vikinga.

btw. cula sam se sa Suzy jucer pa mi je rekla da je nakon stavljanja oglasa na zaprimila 300-tinjak mailova, tako da se nemojte ljutiti na zenu ako ce joj trebati dva dana da vam odgovori.

meni su rekli u EP-u da moras znati 4 jezika za intl.hostess i to tecno, a iste takve oglase vidim i na stranicama kompanija, ali i na stranicama drugih stranih agencija.
inace, i meni se ta pozicija cini super, a i placa je puno bolja nego u GS.

Group service coordinator je pozicija koja se na CCL-u svela na samo par brodova, sada tu poziciju na vecini brodova drzi GSA ili GSS.
Ako zelis korititi jezike, onda odi raditi kao gsa, ali radeci i na ostalim pozicijama koje se susrecu s gostima ces ih koristiti, samo u GS officeu puno vise.
ovisi sve naravno o tvojim preferencijama.

vidjet cemo za 10 dana!
cheers :)

Ti to sve znaš od nekog iz prve ruke?ili? mislim, bilo bi dobro da se javi neko ko je to sve prošao,,

ne, kao sto sam i napisala prije: procitala sam to na forumu za cabin crew.
medjutim, od frendice frendica radi za njih i super je zadovoljna, rekla je da se bez problema moze ustedjeti oko 1000eurica mjesecno...

Woow.. ovdje je fakat baš sve što se mora znat. Ovo zvuči dosta teško za proći al je slično bilo i s brodom pa na kraju i nije ispalo tak loše.
Za izgubiti se nema baš šta osim cca 1000kn za put, pošto 3 put treba ić u ZG kolko vidim.

ne trebas ici 3 puta u zg jer ti je intervju odmah dan ili dva poslije assessment-a. U Beogradu je u 10.-om mjesecu cak trajalo i do srijede ili cetvrtka jer se prijavilo oko 800 ljudi... zato sam ja htjela u Bec jer sam cula da se tamo prijavi oko njih 50 i sve se obavi u jednom danu.
Tko zna koliko ce ih doci u ZG?! Mozda bolje da potrazis hostel...

p.s. ovi intervjui mi se cine puuunoo tezi od onog za brod..
po onome sto sam citala, u prosjeku ih prodje oko 10%-15% od prijavljenih...

Nisam se jos prijavljivala jer nisam bila sigurna hocu li ici u Bec ili Zagreb na intervju.
Buduci da sam se na kraju ipak odlucila za ZG, prvo se moram slikati pa cu se prijaviti do kraja tjedna.
Na intervju mozes doci i bez prijavljivanja, ali tada moras ponijeti sve sa sobom, slike, CV i ostalo kaj vec traze.
Ako dodjes do kraja intervjua, onda ces se ovak i onak morati prijaviti kako bi mogao pratiti svoj status i da li ces dobiti GC (Golden call) ili ne.

evo copy pasteano sto sam nasla, a mislim da je bitno:


-Minimum age 21 years at the time of application.
-Minimum arm reach of 212cms (on tip toes), which will enable you to reach emergency equipment on all aircraft types.
-Educated to at least high school level with strong problem solving skills.
-Fluency in written/spoken English (fluency in another language is an asset).
-Medically fit to meet aircrew requirements.
-Have a positive attitude with the natural ability to provide excellent service working within a team environment, dealing with people from all cultures.


Open day
No seat booking is required for these dates/Open Day events
There are many vacancies. Candidates are not competing with each other.
The event is OPEN TO ALL interested people who meet the requirements.
Be on time as the event starts at the time indicated above.
Pay attention to dress code and documents needed below.
Read and understand the requirements listed at


Dress code: Business Attire
Gentlemen - Suiet and tie with hair appropriately groomed.
Ladies - A knee length skin coloured stockings/pantyhose. Hair should be up or tied back if length exceeds your shoulder.

What to bring to the Open Day:
-Updated CV (Curriculum Vitae) > Now, on the CV, make it clear and un-cluttered, if you’ve had any previous customer service experience then this is a very good idea to have at the top of your resume. Remember, if you haven’t got any previous customer service experience it is not a problem, you’ll probably strike them with something else ! If they think they can train you in customer service they WILL DO IT !
-6 Passport Size (4.5x3.5 cm) Photographs > business attire, neatly groomed, looking gorgeous, no scarfs, light make-up for women, non for men !and most importantly SMILE (even french citizens should smile on those Passport photos). A genuine smile will make the difference when your file is in that pile.
-2 Full Sized (10×15 cm) Photographs in Business Attire > Suit, white shirt, tie and shoes for men / Knee length skirt or dress with skin coloured stockings (no scarf) for women. Those photographs will be presented a round table of judges back in Dubai as per the recruitment officer I had, so keep SMILING, give the best of you !
-2 casual Full Sized (10×15 cm) Photographs > those photos must be of you in a natural setting, casually dressed, not smoking nor drinking. Alone is best, if you haven’t got any alone, then ones where the recruitment officer can recognize you.
-2 Coloured Photocopies of your Passport
-Photocopies of School Certificates
-Photocopies of Parents Wedding and Birth Certificates

Open Day Details:
Company presentation and videos
Questions and answers
It is expected to last around 3 to 5 hours depending on number of candidates
All details will be explained during the event.
The above events are open to ALL interested candidates.
If you are successful, you will be invited to attend the next stage ASSESSMENT DAY, which will be in a different day.

Assessment Day
This event is for who passed the OPEN DAY, you will receive an email about your invitation to participate in this event. (Only invited Candidates may participate in the ASSESSMENT DAY).
You will bring everything you brought to the Open Day.
And follow the same requirements and advises for the Open Day.

Assessment Day Details:
Welcoming Speech
Company presentation and videos
Personal Questions Interview
Group Discussion About Given Topic
English Test (If applicable)
Personal Essay (It can be about you or a given topic, it needs an intro, body and conclusion...)
Paperwork Handout and Information
Online Personality Profile Test Directions (It will be sent to your personal email for you to complete it at home on your own.)
And Scheduling of FINAL INTERVIEW

Final Interview
This event is for who passed the ASSESSMENTS DAY, you will receive the answer at the same day of your Assessments Day Interview with the date and time of your FINAL INTERVIEW.
You will bring everything you brought to the Open Day and Assessments Day.
And follow the same requirements and advises for the Open Day and Assessments Day.
You will need to have all the paperwork filled out correctly
You will need to have all the photocopies and original documents in hands
You will need to have done an ONLINE PERSONALITY PROFILE TEST at home before coming to this Final Interview.

Final Interview Details:
-The recruitments Agent will call you from the waiting lobby to a private office room.
-She/He will ask you for all your paperwork.
-Then she/he will start asking you this type of questions;
Tell us about a time when you received a constructive criticism feedback from your boss in one of your previous jobs?
From all of your previous jobs which one was the most challenging and why?
Tell us about a day in which you had a very stressful day and how was it and what did you do to make it better and how did you handle it?
Tell me about a difficult client you had and how did you solve his/hers problem?
Describe a situation when you had a problem with a colleague at work and how was the outcome of this situation? How did you re-solve it?
From your multi-cultural experience, what is the nationality that you would have more difficulty in dealing with the most and why? Or which one would you like it the most and why?
Tell me a time where you had to make a decision for your colleagues at work?
Tell me about the worst mistake of your life?
Tell me about what does your manager/boss think of you?
Tell me when your colleagues did not agree with your idea/decision?
Tell me when you were apset of a complaint you had received?
Tell me your biggest life achievement so far?
Tell me what you know about Dubai?
Tell me what you know about Emirates Airlines?

-Then she/he will ask you if you have any questions or anything to say?
Answer: (If you have any questions you may ask Her/He…) Or just make sure to say thank you for the opportunity of this interview and for the recruiter’s time and attention with you. Make sure to leave them with a very positive close up, which will make a good impact in their decision! (Make sure to not plead them for the job, act professional and don’t ask them for their answer and opinion about the outcome of the interview).
-Then last but not least, the recruiter will tell you in a very professional way that you will receive the answer of the outcome of your interview within 4-6 weeks via a phone call to the given numbers in your application. And then they will shake your hand and wish you GOOD LUCK!!!


ma prica se da se muski trenutno ne zaposljavaju, iako to naravno kompanija nije formalno potvrdila.
medjutim, oni koji su i dobili posao su na cekanju vec jako dugo i do daljnjega (tako sam procitala na forumu od ljudi sa razlicitih strana svijeta).

idem i ja na intervju!
pratim vec oko dva mjeseca sta se dogadja i istrazujem, prosvrljaj malo linkom dolje, gomila informacija u svakom slucaju.
pozz i sretno!
vidimo se 17.-og!

ne racuna se vrijeme godisnjeg, vec 10god punog rada, dakle s godisnjima to ide par godina vise.
frendici koja do sada ima 7god ukupno (s godisnjima dakle) je paymaster izracunao da bi za 10god dobila otpremninu $20,000. isplati li se zaista?! ne bih bas rekla...

mi smo dosta radili i s putovicama i tocno sto je Seaman rekao.
bez obzira na istek putovnice, viza u njoj ti vrijedi u kombinaciji s vazecom putovnicom.

Ma gle, ja sam mozda malo i mazohist pa stvarno volim taj posao, dok negativne strane lako zaboravljam. Cak mi je bilo i bolje na drugom nego prvom ugovoru sto se toga tice, bas sam uzivala, bez obzira na svakodnevan rad na “prvoj crti bojisnice”.

Osobno, uvijek sam se slagala sa svim kolegama i ni s jednim menadjerom nisam imala problema, odlicno sam se slagala i s facama iz drugih departmenta, ipak mi svi ovisimo jedni o drugima. Medjutim, kada se malo zagrebe ispod povrsine i globalno gleda na situaciju u firmi, te buducnost koju bih imala kada bi cini mi se bas blistavo.
Prvo, placa nije velika, a kamoli za supervizora koji je placen $200 vise od GSA, a radi duplo vise od GSA. Tako da, ak ce me vec gosti psihicki napastovati svojim glupostima (vecina njih), onda za to zelim bolju lovu. Drugo, promocije: rijetke i nepravedne – neki ljudi koji su promovirani za GSS znaju manje od nekih GSA-ovaca, neki nemaju smisla raditi s gostima, a kamoli volje da poducavaju nove GSA-ovce; trece- ak vec imam kolege ljencine, onda cu radje raditi na manjem brodu gdje ih ima manje i koje cu lakse dovesti u red, nego na CCL-u raditi posao za njih troje odjednom; cetvrto: zivcira me kad ljudi itekako dobiju opomenu zbog neke sitnice, a od pohvale ni traga za nesto sto je nekom covjeku spasilo zivot… Peto, globalno mi se takodjer cini da se prava posade svakodnevno uskracuju i smanjuju iz godine u godinu, tako da to sad vec pomalo lici na dobrovoljni robovlasnicki ustroj. Sesto, buduci da u blizoj buducnosti zelim studirati MBA in hospitality & tourism management, mislim da bih radeci na boljoj kompaniji od CCL-a brze stigla do tog cilja uceci od boljih.
Zahvalna sam CCL-u sto su mi pruzili priliku da tamo radim i naucim sve i svasta, ali znam svoje limite i ambicije i spremna sam ici puno dalje od te kompanije. (Mislim da bi idealan posao za mene bio u nekom uredu za borbu radnickih prava :) Ful sam osjetljiva na nepravdu…)
E sad, ne govorim da na drugim cruiserima cvatu ruze, ali mi se cini iz razgovora s ljudima da su stvari ipak malo transparentnije i bolje na nekim kompanijama.  A dok ne probam necu ni znati, tako da- ADIOS CCL!

kada sam svog menadjera pitala za preporuku dok sam jos bila na brodu - lik se zgrozio da kako ga mogu moliti to u svrhu trazenja posla negdje drugdje... Helouuu, pa kaj da si onda iskopam rupu i potonem zajedno sa CCL-om???
uglavnom, umjesto preporuke saljem evaluation performance record koji mi je super.

za koje pozicije?

Tečaj za dobivanje pomorske knjižice košta do 1.000 kuna i traje jedan dan.

haha, da, i meni je bilo 1000Kn preko EP-a, ali ako ih sam nazoves i prijavis se na tecaj ustedit ces 150Kn. na greskama se uci...

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