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Messages - elvisssssss

Pages: 1 [2]
Zna li ko u koliko sati je intervju? Poslao sam mail Sinisi juce ali mi neodgovara....da znam kad da krenem iz Srbije...

Imas ova termina pa da izaberes koji ti odgovara, bar je tako bilo u mom slucaju.
05ti Novembar od 12 sati do 17 sati
06ti Novembar 09 sati do 15 sati 

Dali neko zna jeli i za EP tada interwiu ??

Interviju za carnival preko Ep ce biti 5 novembra

Kako znas to,  zvao ih ili ?????

Izgleda da jeste:

Last Active: 24-08-2012, 10:44:12

Ebas mi je drago mislim da je rekorder po cekanju na ovom forumu.

pa sta bi "ludilo" jesi li otisao ikada preko ove agencije  ""]]

Sory nisam vidjeo  oT u svakom slucaju hvala na odgovoru.

Bar Department / Re: Introduction to Wine
« on: 05/September/2012 »
jel pitaju nesto o vinima na interviju za ass.Waiter za Carneval?

Zasto nemogu da skniem ovo? Pise mi:
The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.

e boze kakvih sve budala ima na ovom forumu, pa zar nebih prvo treba proci interviju, viza, ljekarski, ukrcaj , pa onda provjeriti jel ima sta za tvoj napaceni organizam  =""

Mislim da je samo potrebno napraviti pricu u glavi da si radio na tom mjestu, i narawno sto stavis u CV da odbranis svaki detalj znaci budi spreman na svako pod pitanje a to inako niko ne provjerava samo stavi da si radio oko 15 dana prije interviju ili da jos uvjek radis :)

Pozz svima ovo je moj prvi post na forumu koji je usput fantastican i hvala puno svima na mnogim korisnim informaciama koje sam nasao ovdje.

Posto se tek prijavljujem za posao na brodu zamolio bih sve ako mogu da prokomentarisu moju preporuku i da daju neke primjedbe ili sugestije, unaprjed hvala.

Recommendation letter
To Carnival cruise line:

I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Elvis Muhic.  Elvis worked with me in the bar Department at Caffe bar Aurora for 2 years. He began here as Assistant Waiter, and after several promotions, ended his service as Head Waiter.
Elvis was a welcome addition to our staff from day one, and during the 24 months he has worked here he's distinguished himself as a quick learner, diligent worker and overall bright young man. He was never once late for a shift, and often stepped forward to cover the shifts of other waiters and waitresses who were in a bind..
Elvis was always willing to offer her assistance and had an excellent rapport with the many constituents served by our office including clients, employers, and other professional organizations. She would be an asset to any employer and I recommend her for any endeavor she chooses to pursue.
I would like to be very clear about why Elvis is no longer with us.  Elvis is available for new challenges only because of his desire to learn and grow further. We would have loved to see him stay, but certainly understand his need to advance beyond the positions we have available.
In closing, let me say I have no hesitation in recommending Elvis Muhic for any position pertaining to .  I feel confident he would be an asset to your organization.
xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
Restaurant Manager

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