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Messages - Komikaya

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Pa EP bi trebao sada imati interview za Carnival Cruises...
Na Carnivalu je ok sto se tice zivota na brodu, al' plate im nisu Bog zna, i opet ponavljam sve zavisi koja si pozicija.
Ja bi ti preporucio da appliciras za buffet steward-a, najbrze se ide, i neces odmah nosati tacnu svakako...
A ako poznajes neke vlasnike lokala, potrazi od njih da ti napisu preporuke.

Samo napred!  :plovim:

Hahahaha da da Kristina pomisli "Gde mi ovu dovedose" Kao da je Papu ugledala, a ne TV-e! : :yahoo:

Anccica ti je napisala mogucnosti napredovanja  ;)
A to da l' radis 6 nedelja dzabe iskren da budem nisam za to cuo...

Je l' to za Carnival?

Ja sam iz Banja Luke, ima agent Dejan... radi za Safe Cruise agenciju!
Ako ti sta treba salji pm :)

Predstavljanja / Re: Hej haj!
« on: 26/June/2011 »
Sretno i mirno more :)

Ovo mi je drugar poslao cisto me zanimalo kakva su pitanja za RCCL... on trenutno izlazi na finalni, pa je dobio ovo da nauci.
Mislim da ce ti biti koliko toliko od pomoci...

1. What would you do before you present the menus to your guest:

2. Please describe the items featured in the menu on your previous job.  (Two items each of the following categories (ingredients, accompaniments and their basic preparations):
   Main course
   Dessert


3. The guest is “tasting” the wine.  Name the 3 key things he/she is looking for?

4.  If the guest asks for a “vintage” bottle of wine, what does he/she look for?

5. Who would you serve first if you were serving a table with three guests?
2 Ladies and one gentleman.
6. Who would you serve first if you were serving a table with three guest ladies and two gentlemen and two children aged five and seven?

7. Two persons finish the meal in a table with four people, two of the guests are still eating.  What do you do?
Answer:  8. What would you recommend as an after dinner drink liqueur?  Please name the liquor brand.

9.  Guests arrive to the table and are obviously intoxicated.  What should you do?

10. Do you consider yourself a customer oriented person? If yes, why?  Please explain.

11.  Can you tell me about a time when you went “above and beyond” the guests expectation?

12. Do you consider yourself a “professional” in the “catering business”, “hospitality business.”  If the answer is yes, please explain why? Is it because of your experience in the field?? Or because of your academic background?

13. When do you wash your hands during service?

14.  Is eating or drinking allowed in the Galley/Kitchen?  Why?

15.    Why do you want to work for RCCL?

16.   Life on board is very different than life on land.  Is there any reason why you would not be able to commit to an onboard 6 or 8 month assignment away from your family and friends, working 10-12 hours a day, 7 days per week?  

17.   When living on board, you may share a small cabin with another person; in some cases you may have to share with up to three other people from different parts of the world.  
How do you feel about this, and what would you do to adapt to this new lifestyle?

18.   Working on a cruise ship may require stretching, reaching, pulling, lifting up to 50 lbs and at times working in a hot and moist environment.  
Is there any reason why you will not be able to perform these types of duties or be unable to adapt to such an environment?

19.   When I contact your past employers, what so you think they would they say about your work habits, punctuality and reason for leaving?  Please give me specifics.

20.   What type of activities do you enjoy on your free time?

21.   Why should I refer you to Royal Caribbean Cruise

Predstavljanja / Re: brzo na brod
« on: 15/June/2011 »
Safe Cruise je jako susretljiva agencija.
I da salju jako brzo na brod, i nece te oguliti osim sto ces platiti trening od 5 dana 350eura.

E Alex sretno, i javi kako si prosla! :)

Ja uspio izganjati preko Kouzona da izadjem na interview sad u jul-u.
Pa cemo vidjeti, uglavnom tebi zelim sve najbolje i da prodjes taj interview :D

Kako mene nisu zvali za NCL? :/ Baksuz klasika ...

Cunard Line / Re: Cunard
« on: 31/May/2011 »
Pozdrav ekipi.
E ovako cuo sam se ja s Mirjanom, i ona kaze da jos ne zna tacno kada ce biti interview, a i tako sam cuo od drugara jednog da bi trebao biti na ljeto.
Sad koliko je to sigurno ja ne znam, ima li jos neko da je nesto cuo, i da l' neko slucajno zna koje pozicije su available?


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