Author Topic: Calming Upset Guests  (Read 5912 times)

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Calming Upset Guests
« on: 07/February/2010 »
On occasion you will encounter a guest who might be angered, upset about a service or our product.
Below are helpful reminders on how to keep such situations in perspective:

1)   Body Language
-   Be open to receive the guest’s comments
-   Be confident and exude a positive attitude, show the guest you are there to assist in resolving the situation
-   Maintain eye contact
-   Do not turn your back or walk away from an angry/upset guest.

2)   Listen, Listen, Listen
-   More than ever you will want to implement intent, active listening skills
-   Focus on the guest’s needs
-   Note the guest’s comments. 
-      List down key subjects as the guest states their concern. 
-      Let them know you are writing down notes to assist with follow up, you do not want the guest to think you are working on another project and not listening. 
-   Do not interrupt the guest
-   Do not make assumptions

3)   When responding
-   Always apologize
-   Speak in a quiet manner in order to calm the guest down, you will want to focus on calming the guest down in order to avoid a negative atmosphere for other guests
-   Show empathy – Acknowledge the situation and reassure the guest you are there to correct the situation
-   Review – Paraphrase the information back to the guest as they stated. 
-   Explain to the guest the steps you will take to resolve the situation
-   Do not shout back at the guests or use sarcasm
-   Do not blame or talk negatively about another department or crewmember
-   Do not dwell on the subject, repeating an unpleasant experience.
-   Do not use negative phrases such as “We can’t”, “You’re wrong”, “We don’t”
-   Do not make promises.  Recognize that there are limitations and if you cannot keep a promise it could make a situation worse
-   Do not pass the problem on.  Take ownership and do not give the impression they being passed on.

4)   Thank the Guest
-   Even when they are upset and especially when they are angry.  Express to them that their feedback is appreciated and required.

5)   Close The Conversation
-   Assure the guest you will look into the matter and get back to them as soon as possible.  Apologize again and thank them for their time.

*If requested the guest should be given the opportunity at that time to speak with a supervisor or position of more experience.*
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