Author Topic: Nakon medical sign off-a dobila i pla?enu avionsku kartu  (Read 2234 times)

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Offline Kirry

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 Na početku van teme samo da kažem da obožavam ovaj Forum jer koliko god pitanja imala uvijek dobijem odgovor. Zato Šefe  hvala Vam na ovome Forumu  =""
Moje sljedeće pitanje je. Nakon medical sign off-a ponovno sam dobila LoE. To nebi bilo čudno samo po sebi da uz LoE nisam dobila i plaćenu avionsku kartu.
E sad mene zanima gdje je tu kvaka.
Da li je to uobičajena praksa kod medical sign off-a ili će mi oni  kad dođem na brod itekako naplatiti  :hmm:

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Medical Sign Off
« Reply #1 on: 29/March/2012 »
Nije rijedak slučaj da kompanija plaća povratnu avio-kartu nekome tko je imao smrtni slučaj u obitelji ili je morao na liječenje.
Ako želi, kompanija će te ostaviti na cjedilu, ali u većini slučajeva će pomoći, pod uvjetom da je dotična osoba dobar radnik.
Znam nekoliko slučajeva kada su ljudi izmislili "emergency" i svejedno im je plaćena karta i odsustvo od par tjedana. I sam sam među njima.

Kad sam išao na obuku za Irak, jedna djevojka iz Zagreba je imala povišen tlak, poslali su ju iz Houstona u Zagreb da joj liječnik prepiše tretman za tlak, i kad se vratila sve ok, put je bio na kompanijin trošak. Znači, za američke kompanije je to normalno. Ne smiju te škartirati ako imaš problem. Još uvijek imaš svoja ljudska prava.

Ispod je izvod iz Ugovora o radu koji je u cjelosti objavljen na forumu, a koji govori o tome. Zbog copyright-a, recimo da se kompanija zove Proncess & Sons.

Traveling Expenses
Except as set forth herein, transportation expenses incurred in traveling from the airport of departure designated by the Company to join the vessel, and traveling expenses for repatriation to the airport designated by the Company at the end of the crewmember’s employment, are met by the Company.
If discharge is on proven necessary medical grounds or the loss, withdrawal, laying up or sale of a vessel, repatriation expenses are payable by the Company. Repatriation shall take place in such a manner as prescribed by the Company in its sole discretion, except that in the case of medical necessity described above, it shall meet all reasonably necessary medical requirements.
In the event repatriation is at the Company’s expense, the Company shall be liable for the cost of maintaining the crewmember ashore until repatriation takes place.
Expenses incurred in traveling to the designated airport of departure or returning home from the designated airport upon repatriation will not be reimbursed by the
Company, except in cases of medical necessity. Hotel accommodation and meals, in hotels and at times approved by the Company, will be paid by the Company where the Company deems appropriate in its sole discretion.
For first time crew members, the initial 60 days on board shall be considered as a probationary period. Prior to and at the end of the probationary period, if the Company is not satisfied with the crewmember's performance, the Company has the right to terminate the employment, paying the wages until the date of signing off and the repatriation expenses as described in the preceding paragraph. Prior to the end of the probationary period, if the new crew member terminates their employment other than for proven medical necessity, the crew member
agrees to be responsible for paying his/her own repatriation expenses. If crewmember is disembarked for disciplinary reasons, or requests own will disembarkation, the crewmember agrees to be responsible for his/her own repatriation costs and acknowledges that he/she may be precluded from future employment with the Company.
The Company recognizes that from time to time crewmembers may request leave on compassionate grounds and in genuine cases under certain defined circumstances, the Company will be responsible for covering the cost of repatriation. When, during the course of a voyage, the lawful spouse or child or, in the case of a single crewmember, a parent is dangerously ill or has died, every reasonable effort will be made by the Company to repatriate the crewmember concerned as quickly as possible.
Crewmember agrees that, at the time of signing off on compassionate grounds, the crewmember will owe the Company the return airfare expense unless the crewmember provides to the Company satisfactory medical certificates issued by a registered medical practitioner attesting to the illness or death of that applicable relative mentioned in this paragraph.
Odavno ne plovim. Sve odgovore pronađite na forumu. (door=forum, ja Morpheus ti Neo)