Author Topic: Can we all organize and try to ask some swiss law company about this pre contract?  (Read 1510 times)

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Offline lajnar

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Hi all im from Macedonia and i was on interview in Belgrad on 25 th of June 2013 for position waiter .
We was 8 ppl from Macedonia for the same position and on that date there were present around 50 ppl which i think most of them pass that silly interview
No one from Macedonia doesnt get contract for this season and the chances seems to be miserable to start in 2014 coz the last message from Tobias was that starting season what means march and april are already full 
what means only three ships left to be fill in the season 2014


Can we all organize and try to ask some swiss law company about this pre contract which we all sign and try to get some legal law help for our problem and try to help each other and stop this ridiculous waiting with silly
explanation that older employee are almost 100 % back what doesn make any sense coz they should return to the older ship which they ve been before

And please if some of u have any  lawyer to ask for some help

thank u all and please feel free to contact me

Offline Shakister

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I don't know that to say to you and your friends from FYROM.
Yes it seems only 3 ships are left opend.
I think the company first goes for their old staff.
Then the EU citizens so they don't need a working visa.
A lawyer cant help you, it's a private company, they can do whatever they want.
You should apply for Scylla too, it's a similar company, so the odds of getting a job should be hire.
Todays economic decay seems to draw more and more people of the Balkans area that are willing to work on river or ocean ships.
So the competition is high.
Best of luck to you getting a job on a cruise ship.

Offline Costarico

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Bilo bi lijepo kad bi nam neko to malo pojasnio, jer ako nema ništa da se snalazimo za posao.

Offline Shakister

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Treba se snalaziti, ja sma se prjavio i za emirate ako ne bude nista od Vikinga do pocetka leta.