Author Topic: TEFL Worldwide Prague - teaching English abroad  (Read 12693 times)

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In order to apply you must meet the following requirements :

  • be a native English speaker or a non-native with a high proficiency in English
  • have the minimum qualification necessary to enter university. (i.e. High School Diploma or A-Levels )
  • be at least 20
  • be an American, Australian, Canadian, Swiss, EU or any other citizen where you can enter the Czech Republic on your passport without having to obtain a Visa.

Earn your TEFL certificate in the heart of Europe, experience the world and discover new cultures through teaching English abroad. In just 4 weeks you can become TEFL certified and begin teaching English as a foreign language worldwide. TEFL Worldwide graduates are certified to teach English all over the world.
Currently they have worked in over 34 countries.

TEFL Certificate Course
TEFL Worldwide offers an intense, challenging and rewarding 4-week internationally recognized TEFL certificate course in the enchanting city of Prague. Our 120-hour TEFL course provides an excellent insight into the TEFL approaches and methods, as well as 8 to 10 hours of hands-on teaching practice in real classrooms.
The teaching practice during the TEFL course will give you a solid foundation when beginning your first job teaching English abroad.

TEFL Worldwide is accredited by the Ministry of Education and is a member of the American Chamber of Commerce, in the Czech Republic, IATEFL and the College of Teachers.

Everyone at TEFL Worldwide strives to provide a high quality TEFL course and excellent customer service.
We really care about our students and their goals of teaching English abroad. See what TEFL Worldwide graduates have to say about the TEFL course and their experiences teaching English abroad.

If you are in Prague or if you'll be visiting Prague come visit our school. You can meet the trainers, support staff, current students and sit in on a session.

Teaching English Abroad
The TEFL job assistance is for a lifetime and begins immediately after you arrive. We offer courses year-round because English language schools offer jobs year-round so no matter what course date you choose you'll have plenty of job options when you finish.

We will provide you with contacts for English language schools and current job openings all throughout Europe, Asia, South America and Africa. It's up to you on where you would like teach. If you choose to stay in Prague we even have a job workshop on the last day of the course where employers from schools come to present their TEFL job openings. On average our TEFL graduates are working a couple of weeks after the course.

Our TEFL graduates have taught in Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Austria, Russia, Turkey, Slovak Republic, Croatia, Serbia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Taiwan, South Korea, China, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam Peru, Ecuador, Columbia, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, USA, England, Mexico, Bahrain, Qatar, Tanzania and, Zambia.

Enjoy the benefits and adventure of teaching English abroad with the TEFL Worldwide Certificate:
Earn the internationally recognized TEFL certificate and begin teaching English overseas.
British and American owned school.
Affordable student housing. 8,000czk for 30 nights (about 10 Euros per night.)
Job assistance worldwide.
No previous teaching experience or second language is required.
Low cost of living in Prague.
Dedicated and experienced support staff.
Housing assistance for those staying in Prague.
TEFL Worldwide graduates are certified to teach English all over the world.

TEFL Trainers
Most importantly, we have highly qualified and experienced TEFL professionals as our trainers and course developers. Paul has an MA in English Language Teaching and Terry has a Higher Diploma in TEFL/TESOL from Trinity College of London, a Postgraduate Diploma in TESOL from Sheffield Hallam University and is currently working towards his MA in TESOL. Our trainers have been teaching English overseas in numerous countries and have an average of 10 years of experience in areas such as EFL teaching, teacher training and course development. They’ve published articles, taught in universities and given presentations at international conferences.
From this experience they are expertly prepared to train, guide and prepare you for teaching EFL as well as to answer your questions about teaching English abroad.

Our staff will work closely with you from your first enquiry until long after you have graduated from the course.
We will take the time to answer all of your questions and help you prepare for your transition in teaching English abroad. You’ll be trained to teach English and will always have a solid network to turn to for your job search, settling in assistance and support during and long after your stay in Prague.
Our first priority is making this an enjoyable and rewarding experience for you.

Contact TEFL Worldwide at anytime with questions.
We are happy to help you begin your adventure teaching English abroad.


In order to apply you must meet the following requirements :

be at least 20
be a native English speaker or a non-native with a high proficiency in English
have the minimum qualification necessary to enter university. (i.e. High School Diploma or A-Levels )
be an American, Australian, Canadian, Swiss, EU or any other citizen where you can enter the Czech Republic on your passport without having to obtain a Visa.

No previous teaching experience is required.


It's a benefit, but not required, if you have:

previous teaching experience
previous language learning experience
other professional experience in people-oriented professions
previous experience living, studying or working in a foreign country


University Degree
You do not need a degree to take the TEFL training course or to teach English as a foreign language in the Czech Republic. We’ve had plenty of people without degrees find jobs in Prague or the rest of the country. We really don’t know how easy it is to get a job in another country without a degree. There’s a very high demand for teachers in the Czech Republic and schools recruit teachers from our course all the time with or without degrees. As long as you pass the course, are ambitious about applying to the several dozens of job offers that we have and give a good interview you shouldn't have a problem.


Non-native English speakers

If you are a non-native English speaker you may still apply to the course as long as you don't need a visa to enter the Czech Republic. You must be able to enter as a tourist on just your passport. We provide job guidance for non-native speakers. Several non-native speakers have taken our course and have gone on to teach abroad, mostly in Prague, China or their home country. We don't have much experience with non-native speakers working anywhere else at this time. It is more challenging to find a job as many employers prefer to hire native English speakers.
It depends on your level of English, clarity of your accent and how you do on the course.
We'll do the best to assist you in finding a job but can't make any guarantees.

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