Author Topic: Manning Agency Survey Results - Princess Cruises  (Read 1628 times)

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Human Resources Memorandum

To:   Commodore/Ruby Princess
   Captain/All Princess Vessels

cc:   Chief Engineer/All Princess Vessels
   Hotel General Manager/All Princess Vessels
   Staff Captain/All Princess Vessels
   Human Resources Managers/All Princess Vessels

From:    E.S.

Date:   20 October 2014

Subject: Manning Agency Survey Results
We recently conducted a survey of our fleet to find out what you think of the service provided by our manning agencies.
Our goal is to identify areas where we can improve and make the process as easy as possible for our Officers and crew.
This was in response to feedback heard from the ships during recent executive ship visits.

We are thrilled that over 7,500 crew participated in the survey, and we received over 2,600 written comments.
Overall, the feedback is quite positive:

•        72% say they are satisfied with their current manning agency  
•        75% are comfortable going to their current manning agency with questions or issues
•        88% feel that the joining instructions they received contained all the information they need
•        72% agreed that the joining instructions were accurate
•        And 91% felt the joining instructions were easy to understand  

While these scores show a high level of satisfaction, the survey did show some areas where we need to work closely with the manning agencies to focus attention:

•        Timeliness of response to emails
•        Discourteous service toward our crew
•        Service fees charged to crew need to be explained, for example it is acceptable for an agency to charge for background checks and visa application processing

We have already started to share these results with the agencies and will partner with them to make changes.
We also would like to get a bit more information about a few specific manning agencies, so we plan to conduct focus groups onboard several ships in the next few weeks.
The HR Manager will provide specific details on how crew can participate.

In addition to the questions about our manning agencies, we took the opportunity to ask you about Princess 24.

•        When asked about the service you receive from the Princess24 help line, 71% said you are satisfied.  
In order to keep improving, Crew Travel is working with Princess24 to address the concerns you mentioned in your comments and provide more training for the staff.

We thank each crew member who provided their feedback. It is only though this two-way communication that we will continue to grow and change.