Camp Carnival / Youth Staff

Username:  DoubleJnC
Country:  Bosnia, “there was a war, in the middle of the USSR”
Gender:  Male
Company:  Carnival
Position:  Camp Carnival / Youth Staff

How did you hear about work on cruise ships?
Quite by chance, from a friend who told me how he soon goes “on cruise ship” to work for a pile of money.
He did not know how or what or where, and only from what I’ve seen on TV about gorgeous mega-ships I had an eureka-dollar moment.
All he knew was that after two to three contracts, he will be buying apartment and a car! He knew someone who has just returned and did the same.
I have never waited tables – but for these earnings, I was willing to learn. It was tempting, of course.
Initial excitement was followed by long-term research and web browsing, bitter disappointment and broken dreams about fast and easy money.
However, I decided to try. I found myself as an ideal candidate for a reception or gift shop. In that order. I prepared my CV and sent it to two agencies.

What attracted you to apply for jobs on cruise ships?
Short and sweet – unemployment.
Without strong ties in community, fresh graduate professor of English language and literature has a very slim employment perspective in an urban environment.

What employment agency have you contacted for work?
Employment Power. Simply, they answered on my e-mail faster that other, a preliminary interview was held in four days.
I decided to go and firsthand contact those people from the agency.

What company and the position have you applied for, and why?
I applied for a reception, ie. Guest Services Associate because of my excellent knowledge of English and a mediocre knowledge of the German language.
The agent advised me against that position with explanation that there is no chance if I’m not fluent in Spanish. She said I could try, leave them ma CV and they would call if the opportunity arises.
But there she said to have something for me if not even better. “Oh no,” I thought, “she is going to sell the story about the position of assistant waiter …”

The agent proceeded to tell me about the department that exists in almost all companies and which deals with the animation of children, and that based on my CV, I could apply.
I thought I had explored every cruise ship position, but this, that was closest to my profession, I simply skipped. Me and the kids? No! I love children only when they are far away from me.
I’ve listened the lady and I was quite surprised but already interested. In seven days a representative of Carnival was coming to Zagreb and Belgrade to interview interested candidates.
I was left with less than two days to think about it and send her an email if I was interested. Count me in.

How long did the interview last and when did you find out that you’ve passed?
Both the interviews, preliminary and main, have lasted a little less than 15 minutes each. I was extremely nervous before the main interview. For no reason.
The girl, only slightly older than me, knew how to conduct a relaxed conversation.
With a handful of laughs, a few questions related to children and some “general questions”, the interview from which I feared as much as when I was a student before the professor, was over and done with.
To my question, “Did I pass?” she just smiled and nodded his head in the style of “Yes, but do not tell anyone.”
Only later I found out that she was my probable boss onboard. Of course, it helped that she was also from our geographical region.

What were your expenses going to a ship?
Far better than expected.
€ 800 for a “ticket”
€ 170 for medical
€ 150 for first aid, fingerprints, a certificate of good conduct
€ 300 preparations for the journey, whatever that meant

That’s all I can think of now, but the overall cost was around € 2000 ..

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